2 stack: Imperius and ....?

My friend likes to main Imperius.

What is a hero that pairs well with him?

Any suggestions thanks!

Chromie, Kt, Jaina, KTZ.

That stun can set up those mages to land their burst, or imperious can keep them in place for the ability to land. Its a 2 way street with him.

Ok so either something with big burst to follow-up the stun with

Or a char with a stun as well? for hard cc?

Imperius + Kharazim + Butcher :smiley:

Have fun all 3 of :slight_smile:

Imperius is good for CC chain. He can either follow up a CC chain or initiate the CC chain. So any hero who can follow a cc or good at initiating a cc is a good choose.

Arthas. He is arguably the best tank paired with Imperius as your brawler.

Chromie with Sands of Time (or whatever the name of her slowing ult is) is an excellent pair with Imperius.

Any hero with good “battlefield control” pairs well with Imperius. Stukov, Maiev, Probius, even Gazlowe.

Heroes with Knock-Backs tend to be his worst pairing due to aiming his abilities, but it’s usually not bad if done right. For example, Alarak can still do well with Imperius due to combos.