10 Duplicate Heroes are ruining ARAM - terrible feature

ARAM mains had a fair complaint when mirror games were more prevalent, but since they lowered the chance, even if ARAM is the only mode someone plays, it’s now very rare to be offered a mirror game.

What I dislike is these people are overstating the harm of mirror games and overstating how frequently they happen. They should also be grateful that any change was made at this point. I wouldn’t blame the one Hots Dev if they decided not to bother making any changes after the reaction to this relatively minor addition.

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I would not be surpriced if they end up making two seperate modes for it or removes it.
Its not the first time the loud minority have ended up getting stuff removed and wont be the last time.

They will be back complaining about Li.Ming/Zuljin and Mephisto next time. Just ungratefull people that are never satisfied no matter what Blizzard do. Just like the guy on Reddit said 7 years ago after he left the Hots team. It did not matter what we did to adjust the game cause we always had people complaining about it as he said.

And he is probably right. The Hots playerbase are just ungratefull when it comes to changes. Everytime something gets changed you have 1 who like it and 10 who want it removed again.

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5% 1 in every 20 games… I wouldn’t call that prevalent to me :stuck_out_tongue:

We here less complain about smurfs and they’re in every game :stuck_out_tongue:

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5% is not 1/20 games tho. It just means everytime you que up for the game you have a 5% chance which is 2% now to roll it. You can have people who play 50 aram games without seeing it and some would get two in a raw.

Those who get 2-3 mirrors in a raw just assume Blizzard are lying and think the number is much higher. Thats just how random works.

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I get it, I’m a WOW player :stuck_out_tongue: but I also subscribe to probability theory.

For example I battlepet in WOW. And one thing is some moves have variable damage. One way to estimate the damage is to sim* it. Another way is to use figures and to determine theoretical probabilities** which I did and built a calculator (using base formula of 3x^2 -3x +1).

While yes individual chances may occur (the 600+ kills I had to do for that 1% mount drop), I prefer to look at it more like an average; if I ran 1000 ARAMs it’s likely I’d only get 50 MMs give or take a couple.

I also thinking saying 1/20 chance vs saying 5% chance shows much more how unlikely you are to get a game (and yes I know now it’s 1/50 which is the 2%) as perception of fraction seem smaller than using a whole number, even expressed as a percentage.

* https://mutanis.pythonanywhere.com/variance ** https://pvppetbattles.com/2014/11/01/burn-damage-distribution
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if we talk about drop rate in WoW then I can tell Onyxia got 1% drop rate but I got mine after 55 runs.

Raven Lord mount have 1,6 % drop chance and I got mine after about 45+ runs

And the Phoenix Hatchling from Magisters’ Terrace have 7% drop rate but I still had to pull 55+ runs to get it even tho its drop chance is higher.

So it does not really matter how low the chance is cause everytime you run the instance you roll a chance to get it that is random.

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Speaking of drops I looted gmod and jaina’s water elemental 5 min apart so now I have a nagging suspicion that the guild wants to murder me. Not that I haven’t been unsuccessful hundreds of times before but both on the same run is ridiculous.

My worst aram streak was 5 in a row with mostly the same group of players dead in the night. As expected everyone quit halfway through the first match and then just abandoned the rest at start.


The last 3 mirror matches I had lasted for <5 minutes because there were 1-2 leavers and one team gave up. If something is disliked that much it should be removed immediately.

yea, that sort of ‘rational’ would see everything unmade. Don’t bother eating veggies, a select group of people dislike them that much :open_mouth:

I sometimes think you turn off your cerebral functions when you decide to come back around to whine here.


I got mine in less than 10 runs :slight_smile:

Why yes law of average can lead to many gamblers fallacy it also can work in reverse. I don’t understand why you are getting upset when I say 5% is a 1/20 chance

Ye im sure the server you play on have lots of quitters compared to EU where most actually play it to end.

A 50 post reddit thread is “overwhelming support”? A lot of the posts were off topic and neither for or against it…

Everytime these games pop half the players leave, im one of them.
I probably play over 100 aram games a week, this mode is not fun.
Overwhelmingly unpopular, is what it is.


On Reddit, they made two polls. The first was asking if players wanted mirror games, which was met with an overwhelming, yes, with a high number of votes cast.

The second poll, if I recall correctly, was asking if the then 5% chance for mirror to occur should be lowered.

I don’t like most mirror games, and you have a fair point if you say they should have used a poll in game, like those survey questions we already have.

Problem, Hots isn’t in active development, and even when it was, the Devs never used an in game poll to base their decisions on, something that probably was for the best honestly.

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that’s not what the numbers indicate.

However, people that don’t like it aren’t looking to be convinced to like it, they’ll just take any excuse to try to support the claim regardless of how honest or thought-out the assetion is going to be.

For my take, the sort of players that rationalize leaving mirrors also leave regular games too, so it a vocal minority hoping they’re a bigger group that shares the same complaints.

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Pretty much. If they are not leaving mirrors then they are leaving regular games they hate aswell. This is a no-brainer really cause I have seen enough evidence in the past where people were leaving regular games if team comp is bad or someone took a hero he hate. They would also blame you and afk if you dont pick the only healer option even tho ARAM should not be about what comp you have.

Just a small groupe of haters that think they are the majority just because he have a few games where people leave. Sadly his games only count for about 0,0001% of the total games played. That is not even near what they all claim.

Reddit have the same opinion about ARAM leavers aswell. They do not tolorate leavers aswell cause they just see you as someone who are wasting anyone els time by leaving.
Mirrors are part of ARAM and if they hate that then lucky for them QM and ranked exist.

Yea the complainers can complain all they want. Does not change a thing that ARAM is like it is and there are plenty of choices for those who dont like it.

People who like it will play it. People who dont can have fun in leaver que. Not much to say. Reading those remove mirror games are getting boring anyway. Would be more fun to read something more interresting then the same people crying about mirrors.

But 3v3 mirror games are still fine in thier book so overall they are just hypocrits.

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Exactly. They asked on Reddit which also includes people who don’t even play the game. The forum is full of posts against this terrible feature.

At least Blizzard spotted at one point how unpopular it is and reduced it to 5%. They should accept that 0% is the number to go for.

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This is incorrect. When mirror games were introduced, they had a 5% chance to occur. The Dev listened to complaints, and now it is only a mere 2% chance.

You’re right that there are “many posts” complaining about mirror games on the forums, but the majority of these posts are repeats made by the same five people.

Remember, I don’t like mirror games, but I no longer complain about them as they happen so infrequently. Before you say your usual shtick of “you don’t even play Hots”, I play probably too many ARAM games than I should, and I often forget MM are a thing as they are so rare now.


GOOD FOR YOU ! You should do those things. I also enjoy a myriad of things and I avoid things things I do not like MM.

This is more what you are than what you do.

This doesn’t happen your false narrative has failed again unlike you I am barely even in this forum. 5671 post you are here lying and crying more than I am even here.

That is a big fat lie made . I didn’t make anything issues here and in fact I solved the MM issue by quitting MM switching accounts and play what I Q’d for.

I already learned what I needed to from his game and act accordingly.

True. Clearly you need to work on comprehension.

Saddest thing you have written and wrong . You should learn to like the fact you have no say or control in any of this . Learn to like the fact I make the decisions that are best for me not the game . If you have to learn to like something you do not like it. Maybe you just like to suffer.

Funny that you haven’t . If you are the measure of a rational person it is far better to be insane. Quit every MM and play what I want . There is no problem here . There is nothing I can do to hurt this free and failed game .

Your line-itemized list is a further indication that you’re not interested in reading things through, you’re interested in complaining – that thing you then tried to tell me that you don’t do, are at least not ‘constantly’ by virtue of you not being on the forum much.

It’d be nice if you’d bother to read your own writing and think this stuff throw before prattling of and pretending it was worth anyone else reading that doesn’t already know that you’re the sorting making problems for yourself.

You have demonstrated that you revel in falsehoods to the point of self-deception, and you do so provided you have something else to blame. So in your efforts, you fault me for the things you’re demonstrated, and then act like you’re better off for it.

You aren’t.

I’m not complaining about it, contrary to your fault-finding, I am offering a simple observation that many people learn some problem-solving skills when they’re given just a little bit more information that they had before. However, that only tends to work on people that are aren’t vehemently against being a little better and enjoying their lot a bit more than they did previously.

Learning is a perpetual thing, you thinking you’ve already learned all you can/will isn’t a reality, is you imposing a limit on yourself that makes you end up enjoying this a lot less than you would otherwise. However, this is all stuff I’ve pointed out at you before, and you persist in you being a problem for yourself.