10 Duplicate Heroes are ruining ARAM - terrible feature

And who force them to do it ? If you dont like ARAM then there are plenty of other game modes to play. But instead you choose to play victim.

There are plenty of evidence on the internet that not everyone is a quitter like you and actually plays it out cause they dont treat ARAM like its ranked. Man either man up and stop quitting games and actually play them or find yourself something you enjoy better.

Any player with a brain would not have a hard time to figure out what to do if he plays something he dont enjoy. They would find something they enjoy instead of spending all day on a dead forum crying about being forced to play something they hate.

I would know what to do if it was me but it dont seems that you do cause you like to be a victim in your own fantasy world.

While the spouting falsehoods part is definitely true, I’d argue that there are some things that you’ll never really prefer. For example, I’ve tried really hard several times to learn RTS style games for friends, and even with years of effort it’s never really been a game type I’ve enjoyed.

Still, I don’t go ont the StarCraft 2 or WarCraft 2 forums and complain endlessly about stupid things I want changed or find frustrating. I just spend my limited free time doing things I find fun.

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Learning to ‘like’ something is two-fold: figuring out the incentive, and reinforcing the behavior to keep doing it. With food, most people fixate on ‘flavor’ much the same way a game is about ‘fun’. Both activities have more complex components to them – games aren’t strictly for ‘fun’, and eating is at least as much about the physical texture as it is the aroma or ‘taste’ – so if people are only comparing one quality in a like/not comparison, it can be hard to shift the negative aspects of the activity/food/etc due to not knowing the other available options. When someone is learning to ‘like’ a hated food, if the issue is a physical sensation, then a recipe that changes the flavor doesn’t fix the problem; similar deal with games.

However, time is a limited resource, so I do agree some priorities are better used in building enjoyable experiences instead of trying to learn to like everything.


Nobody is impressed by the fact you leave mirror games, we don’t need to hear about it every single day. Leave those games if you so choose, it doesn’t look like the Janitor is swayed by your actions and complaints.

If players left MM in a large enough numbers, I think then the Janitor would disable mirrors. As always, you are overstating the “harm” of MM, to levels that are almost beyond hyperbole.


not even possible for me to be the victim since I do not allow it. If I stayed for any MM ever then I would be the victim but I don’t . Victims like you stay in your place and play what you are told like you should.

This is more you than me . I do like that you admitted the state of this forum . I enjoy ARAM so that is what I play ASAM is boring crap mode so I do not play it . Their failure to provide a option to not play that mode is their fault and their problem. You are just mad because you know there is nothing you or they can do about it except cry and flag my posts none of which stops me from doing the right thing . You have no power here .

Unlike you I have a life so unlike you I am not in this sad little echo chamber everyday . And as always you are overstating the harm done by quitting a mode I didn’t Q for . Funny I thought you were the janitor

Same here . That is why I quit ASAM

It makes me want to play MM more :wink:


Your response said more about you than it implied about me. So you deluded yourself into thinking ASAM’s are fun … good for you ! Just as you have deluded yourself into thinking I am as unhappy as you are. When people acquire a taste for something it is never because they are forced it is because they choose to .

did you really not know ? Hope you find something in life to make you happy

The more I look at those remove MM in ARAM the more I think most of them are just ARAM mains that refuse to play anything els but normal ARAM. And now when they suddenly have MM added into the mix its suddenly bad.

They are only playing ARAM so why hate something that makes ARAM more diverse ? You are already happely playing 3x Azmodan games vs 3x Garrosh games so why hate something that puts you all on the same hero ?

Or would it finally make them happy if games was like that ? 5 Mephistos vs 5 Azmodans. Since they already enjoy 3v3 of the same heroes then playing 5vs5 would not be a problem.

No matter what the ARAM mains would still complain all the way to worlds end.

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I enjoy reading, writing, playing aram – even with mirrors – and a myriad of other things. That’s part of why I engage in a community tool to share a number of my hobbie instead of ya know… constantly complaining and prattling on lies that pretend the rest of the world is the problem for self-made issues.

As I’ve suggested to you before, you’d be setting yourself for doing better in life if you stop being afraid of learning; reading is your friend, skills can be improved, and people can learn to like something they impulsively dislike.

People figured out how to be ‘rationale’ a long time ago. Might wanna check into that one.


Yeah I don’t get it, and surely 5 x 5 of the same hero would be a true test of a pure ARAMers skill. No blaming counter match ups for this one.

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I literally didn’t overstate the harm of you, or other players, leaving mirror matches. My whole point was, if enough players were leaving mirror games at an unacceptable rate, the one remaining Dev would disable MM altogether.

Ahh, as usual, you don’t have a coherent argument, so you default to personal attacks. You’re not even correct with that attack, as I disagree with this mythical “hive mind”, as I’ve said since the start I don’t like the majority of mirror games.

Good point, in one of the million threads about mirror games, someone commented that perhaps one of the reasons people dislike mirror games so much, is it’s a test of skill that you can’t blame other factors on like “bad team comp”, or “bad tank.”

As a player who was dead last in my all Alarak game, I have sympathy for players who in mirror games have to play a hero they aren’t familar with, or simply don’t play well.

Again though, it is now so rare for me to get a mirror match (maybe one in a week of play), I completely forget they are a thing until they pop.

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I wish I could play nothing but MM’s I’ve had a blast with everyone I’ve played and out of the 10 or so I think I’ve only lost 1 and even that was fun.

Maybe it’s because I’m an engineer so thinking outside the norm is what I am used to but I love the challenge it presents while also being something fresh (I don’t think I’ve ever had the same MM)

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They can be fun indeed. My favorite have been all Butcher, all Murky and all Naz.

The mirror game I thought I wouldn’t like was all Tracer, but somehow I managed to shine in that match, probably thanks should go to Sami and his Tracer guide, I picked up some tricks that have upped my Tracer game.

I am sympathetic to those who don’t enjoy this feature, and in an ideal situation mirror games would have its own dedicated queue. Having said that, in an ideal situation we would still have weekly brawls and seasonal events and new heroes, sadly aren’t enough active players to support more game modes.

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Crys Pull Party tears :cry:

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Chromie and Stitches map were the best. Never got to play the winter Cursed Hollow tho.

@BlizzBane. Since you hate mirror games so much then tell me why a full melee team should be bothered playing a game vs 3x KT’s. They should have just as much rights to complain that one team get 3x same hero while thier team have no gap closers against it.

Being forced to stay at your globe spawn/fountain all day cause you get tripple Flamestrike spammed does not sound like a healthy game but yet you would happely accept such game just like every other ARAM mains does.

So basically you hate the rules when it happens to you but not against others. Rules for three but no for me !

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I’m really sensing this kind of vibe. There would be no other reason to let us know he leaves mirror ARAM as often as he does if he wasn’t hitting peak butthurt levels.


Honestly, the mirror matches tend to be my favorites. You’ve got to make some clever choices to compliment your team and edge out the enemy. Throw a saddle on the chaos. Everyone’s playing with the same pieces, the same deck; don’t (hero) harder, (hero) smarter.

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Problem is most of the complainers are ARAM mains that never play anything but ARAM and when something that would make it more diverse gets added to it they all rage.

Ironicly they still plays every game that has a 3 man mirror to end but when its 5vs5 its suddenly bad and should be removed. I also think its mostly cause those people are affraid to be the one who plays badly on sad hero so he cant call anyone els out for being bad.

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