10 Duplicate Heroes are ruining ARAM - terrible feature

All Chromie pool party was like playing dodge ball cause every enemy Chromie would spawn behind you. All Stitches was mostly who was the better hooker.

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I’d say Pull Party is like dodge ball. Dodge Hook.

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Nothing will ever live up to Pull Party :stuck_out_tongue:

what about correcting their spelling? or do all of you plan on resorting to grunts to communicate .

Let me get this straight, you waited a whopping 16 days to return, for yet another grammatical nitpick?

Ignoring that your snarky comments aren’t relevant to this discussion, you should keep in mind that English isn’t the first language of many people who post here. There are probably more people from the EU than the US who post on these forums, many of whom are fluent in multiple languages.

Glass houses and not throwing stones and all that, but you might want to capitalize those words at the beginning of your sentences.


His comment has nothing to do about the topic anyway. Just off-topic comments that deserve no attention. Like two people that debate about something and then you got one of them pulling out the insult card because he know he cant win without it.

Someone like Charlie Kirk would woop him in an instant if he tried to debate him the way he act. Like arrogant college kids who have no clue how the world is outside of thier TikTok burbble and then goes full silence mode when presented with facts.

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so does it matter ? I can’t tell from anybody’s response here .

? facts ??? there are none here only opinion . why haven’t you figured that out yet ? here is a fact for you I quit MM all the time it doesn’t appear to hurt the game only hurts peoples feelings and I can live with that . another fun fact when I quit a MM I go directly over to Starcraft 2 very thoughtful of them to provide another game for me to play while I wait for the MM to end

Well such features happen if you ask the sh*thole of the internet (Reddit) what should be implemented. You get 1000 votes from bronze players and people who don’t even play the game.

Not even such basic things Blizzard could do right => Build a questionnaire into the launcher and ask people who actively play the game or let Community Managers sum up the most wanted features.

Mirror matches are unfun and terrible from so many perspectives. At least the people who built it can now ruin other games.

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Does what matter? You’ve taken this silly topic off-topic with your grammar policing, I’ve lost track.

Oh, it’s about very occasional mirror matches in ARAM, right? I don’t like most of them either, but I play them out as they happen infrequently. You can leave games all you want, I really don’t care.

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If that makes you sleep better at night, Emojie Kid.


I sleep better knowing I am in control not the forum or the game. flag that .

Control in what? Yourself? Congrat being one of the billions then. Something else? Cute dream.

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considering how you loop the same complaints, try to revel in doing something you don’t like, and are otherwise resistant to new information, making friends, or improving yourself, the comparison you’re trying to make from ‘sleep’ and “better” would indicate you probably don’t sleep much at all and maybe just have bouts of suddenly waking up feeling unrested as you mill about hours doomscrolling instead of getting any rem :confused:

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next level projecting . sorry to hear about your problem

congrats on falling into line. you do what you are told as always

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Care to explan what he is told to do ? And who told him to do it ?

Played an all Zera game, we literally won by just TPing and dealing as much damage to the fort/keep as possible and ignoring everything else (post 10 we took VP and left someone behind to stall the structures)

People’s lame attitudes ruin mono ARAM, but the mode itself is fun.

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We should have the option to play or quit …oh wait we do have that option. Being forced to play a MM is just wrong so I opt out of that very boring mode . Peoples attitudes are fine. If they cared at all for the health of the game ASAM would be it’s own mode. The only reason people play ASAM is because they are forced to . Nobody would play ASAM by choice .

except several people do.

When you argument relies on delusion and self-deception, it’s not very convincing to anyone else that isn’t you.

Tastes are acquired, skills are learned, and it’s the foolhardy that spends their time spouting falsehoods till they themselves cannot beliece otherwise.

You speak merely for yourself, and fault others for the contradictions you impose. For someone so adamant about “choice” it’s your call to keep yourself miserable and pretend it is otherwise

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