10 Duplicate Heroes are ruining ARAM - terrible feature

it’s still behind the usual complaints on matchmaking, smurfs, report system, bronze 5, and reports. It’s simply a gimmick that has already had one change made to it, so it seems an easier issue to fix compared to the usual complaints.

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A vote on this forum would make no sense since there simply not enough people that would make it legal. Hence why they did it on Reddit. If it was me I would choose to do it ingame instead if I wanted to gain as many unique votes as possible.

Then they would have had a fairly good indicator of what people want. But that is again just lazyness from Blizzard’s end just like they still keep giving you that outdated vote that now has asked you how fair your game has been for over 5 years now.

As for ARAM as a whole I think people should stop acting like ARAM is just another tryhard mode like ranked. It was made to be a crazy mode for a reason but too many act like ARAM is now the new ranked hence why some have asked for ranked ARAM.

There are nothing more worse then to play with toxic players that go bananas cause you did not pick the only tank or healer your team had of options. Or you did not pick the hero he wanted you to pick. ARAM is only for fun. That means people are free to pick whatever hero they like. That is sadly not the case amoung some people who only stick to ARAM.

I would prefer an in-game poll over the Blizz Forum or rando reddit poll, but as others have pointed out, a change like this would require a bit of dev work to implement… Much more so than how easy it would be in the forum. Just trying to keep it easy for this lone dev (that we don’t even know is still around at this point).
I’m with you if you can make it happen. shrug


They never do. They know a mirror match can pop up but proudly leaves them cause they love to ruin the game for the 4 others just to satisfie his own ego. They properly forgot this is a team game and not a singleplayer game they can freely leave.

This faster they get banned this faster you can enjoy the game to its fullest instead of being stuck with a bot.

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y’all need to worry more about the double mephisto situation before you go complaining about that
5v5 mephisto is a big no no but 2 mephitos against potentially no mephistos is fine? I smell bull
I also smell stupidity with a hint of delirium

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again bans mean nothing multiple bans in game and forum and yet here I am. ego never been involved I will never waste my time on a mirror match and I will never allow my time to be wasted by a uncaring company . they did this to the game . just because you bow to the will of others doesn’t mean anyone else should be forced to .


probably * correct spelling may help you make your point better whatever that may be

You yourself bow to the game and Blizz. Did you not realize this?


Wonder when he will find out he can just stop queing up to ARAM if he hate mirrors that much. He maybe value his own time but so does the 4 others he force to play with a bot.

Maybe he should think that through first before coming here talking about what he think is best for him and him only.

None of his teammates qued up just to be left outnumbered cause of one rage quitter who got issues with the game. Why should they suffer cause of one rage quitter ?

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His time is so valuable, he spends it trolling on the forums for attention and queuing for a mode they like talking crap about.
They obviously love ARAM. The abuse he receives and the constant seeking for more is ecstasy to him. I would use a word to describe this long sentence but Blizz don’t like medical terms.


ooooh, fun, I love this game

*nothing. Multiple (comma would also suffice)

and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and

Try a comma. It makes you look less dumb when you attempt to convey your points.

*has never

*involved. (or a comma)

Try a comma!

This is excluding the obvious lack of capitalization and so forth. Btw, there are ESL players on this forum (English as a second language). Trying to correct every written issue is like yelling at rainbows, especially when you know what they’re saying despite the grammatical errors.

This is a comma, btw.


This was certainly , and information a lot , and useful.


I finished A level English 2 years ago


I play ARAM weekly, and mirror match games are so infrequent, I forget it’s even a feature until I’m presented with one.

I’m not a fan of mirror games, but it’s a very small part of ARAM, I haven’t had one mirror game in 10, or even 20 games, since the Dev listened to community complaints and lowered the chances.

My feeling is those who keep complaining about this, would be the kind of people to call other people “snowflakes” in a different scenario. That’s speculation, but what isn’t speculation is the blatant entitlement of some people in this thread, who expect their every whim to be catered to, or they will ruin the match for the other nine players who want to play the very occasional MM.

The only change I would like to see for mirror games, is to remove a few problematic heroes from the current pool such as Probius (Null Gate could just be disabled), that cause games to be too long, or high skill cap heroes which have little siege potential.

The Devs would have the data to make this determination, but other than that, it’s still much faster to just jump in and finish a mirror game, than it is to leave a match and switch to an alt account, an action which is also disrespectful to the players on both teams.

That would be the only logical solution. Keep the mode but remove heroes that makes the game take too long.

The Dev data would also probably give some insight into which heroes people simply don’t like playing, based off how often in those matches people go AFK. In my experience, I have noticed players rarely leave an all Naz game, or an all Valla game, but will be more likely to AFK MM’s with heroes like Alarak, or Genji.

Even if they made those changes, there would still be those who would want MM to just be removed. It’s only a theory, but I think those people who claim to switch accounts every MM, perhaps (ironically) are offered MM more often, due to them not playing the same account. Yeah, I also know people are exaggerating the frequency, but I also think they are making the problem they complain about worse.

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It’s extremely difficult for me to speak incorrectly, unless I am unaware of it. My brain doesn’t allow me to finish sentences, physically. It won’t even allow me to make a grammar-based joke!

Brain: “Oh no you don’t! You’re smart enough to come up with something better than that!”
Me: Deletes entire sentence and rethinks…everything.

There is a line in the movie The Crow, where TinTin says (in one breath, without pause), “What the eff you all painted up for, crackhead, huh?” I can’t seem to be able to say it. It’s a mouthful.

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I think the most time I do typos is when when I get those moments that I still cannot explain where some of words are either missing or plastered twice in row by accident.

People would tell me it’s just a minor mistake since English isn’t my native language but it happens in my native too.



I sometimes have words missing when my hands can’t keep up with my thoughts.

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When someone need to currect other people’s grammar, then they already lost the argument.


Fan got a 10 Ming game and it was looked like Dodge ball, awesome idea to try to compete with Pull Party :stuck_out_tongue: