10 Duplicate Heroes are ruining ARAM - terrible feature

The alt+F4ing of 10 of the same is still very justifiable since the mode is baked into another mode. I haven’t seen all the crazy mode “defenders” put up a decent argument. Why let 10 of the same troll you due to bad game design?

Alt+F4ing bad games is fine in general especially with the poor state this game is in. If someone is toxic, feeding or ruining your game somehow in even a normal ARAM, what’s the issue with ALT+F4ing? Why let people troll you for some false sense of loyalty to this toxic community? Been in and out of leaver’s queue often in 2023/2024 and it’s been fine, feels like I dodged bullets in some of the games I alt+F4ed.

It is factual this game is losing even more players. I often see the same people every day in ARAM yet I’m playing less. Blizzard is losing employees but no one was working on this game anyway it seems.

Microsoft needs to revive this game or just shut it down. I can’t see myself “toughing” out games I don’t want to play. My time valuable, maybe yours isnt?

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oh that’s a good one considering you’ve wasted your time typing this hot pile of [insert insult here]
AND you’ve wasted time playing diablo 4

climb out of your own butt dude


A cruel fate for anyone, worse when it’s one you paid money to experience the, ah, privilege.

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Diablo 4 price was fine. However, if the game is bad or has no replayability I don’t care how much I spent, it is time to move on because I value my time. I haven’t played Diablo 4 since July 2023.

There’s no shame in playing Diablo 4 if you like it. The marketing for it was phenomenal and it was a more successful game/bigger money maker than HOTS due to high sales. If HOTS made Blizzard and/or Microsoft money they’d still be supporting it…I have not seen that yet.

HotS was about to make money but then they alt+F4’d because they value their time.

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I was only speaking in jest. D4 might not be to my taste, but I don’t judge anyone on their hobbies, so long as nobody is harmed in the process.

My problem with D4 was it had all the hallmarks of vanilla release D3, which was a mess where the AH and RMAH, was the “true” game. Unless you were exceedingly lucky with drops, and drops of legendary items were very low, and often the stats would not roll for the class of your hero, even for items that were hero specific, players were forced to use the auction house.

You’re right about the marketing for D4, it was indeed successful, if only the product had lived up to the marketing, a pity Hots never received such a push.

D4 is the most disappointing product this past year and I don’t even play the game. I tried it over a free weekend and wasn’t sold on the idea. Any and all incentive has been obliterated just by hearing player reactions to it as the patches kept releasing. I didn’t like the joyful aesthetics of the D3 at first but in retrospect it made the game that much less depressing to look at.

I misjudged, sorry. I’ll pay whatever if the game is fun to play the game and I’ll support it with cosmetics if I kind of want them. I won’t play P2W games though, not gonna exhaust my wallet to “compete”.

D3 vanilla was the most difficult game Blizzard ever released IMO. It was obvious they wanted to make the game a slog and maybe encourage using the RMAH since Blizzard got a 15% cut? I saw single rare items selling for hundreds of dollars per piece. I did like that the game was challenging but when I saw the RMAH nature of the game I got disgusted. It would have been less of an issue if the game was easier when the RMAH went live. Like if you get some really good/rare item, maybe if it was only worth 10-100 bucks at most to sell to someone AND players don’t NEED to buy it to progress. It would have been more acceptable and longer lived business model. The other issue is what’s the point of gearing up in that game? The only decent end game Diablo 2 had was the PVP and D3 had no PvP balance or duel scene like D2. D3 was just one small duel area where you just win in 1 skill or die in 1 skill. They later put in Greater Rifts and leaderboards which gave the game some replayability/reason to progress.

D4 though? That game is so easy that there’s no point for me to play it. You just level up without any real struggle since theres only a few builds for each class that are viable (but they are massively OP) AND streamers/websites already tell you what are the most efficient builds before you even play the game. The seasonal model is also not for me, won’t play any game that forces (as in if you don’t do seasons you don’t get the new content) resets every 3 months to get you to do the same leveling over and over. Lazy game design. PVP was not good on this game either. There’s honestly too much to bring up why this game was bad so I’m just going to stop…

Both of these type of games have nothing for me at this point in my life. It would have to be a Diablo 5 that is moderately difficult and has end game stuff to do like PvP modes and raiding…you know, give me something to do with the char I leveled up/geared up and respect my time.

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what? were you dropped on your head at birth? context and comprehension couple of words you should look up before responding again. I am helping the people that do not wish to play MM because it is unfun . they have to force people into playing MM because nobody will do it by choice.

so a one time occurrence vs something that happens all the time

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zero contest . why do you think they have to force people into MM? because nobody would choose to play it

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Ok, since you’re dumb, let me break it down for you.

I asked you why you were complaining on the forums if you had your “solution”. You said to help people, but yet, in game, you do the exact opposite of help people. Leaving games does not help anyone, even people who dislike MM.

Let me know if I need to draw that out for you in colorful crayon. It’s pretty simple logic.


His solution is all about brain washing everyone he joins to leave every MM cause he keep believing none of them are fun to play. So overall just one player that tries to force his own believes into others and have them agree without question.

My last ARAM is proof that people do stick around and do play MM if you just give people a chance to enjoy it and not force a quitter mentality down into others throats.


100% here.

For the 1 person who might be curious, they would queue up and the game would never pop.

When MM had the chance to occur in 5% of matches, I felt complaints were warranted. After the Dev in charge listened to community feedback, and reduced the chance to 2%, this became mostly a nonissue.

When it was 5% there were many unique accounts/players making complaint threads here. Since it was changed to 2%, there is only a very small number of accounts spamming the forums with, what is, mostly a gross display of entitlement. It is very difficult to have sympathy for those who say “I hate mirror games, so I leave all MM, until the Dev removes them.”

I’ve been playing a lot of ARAM recently, and people will leave/AFK/INT in regular games simply because they didn’t like their hero choices, or a hero another player selected. When it comes to players leaving mirror games, in my experience, people usually only leave matches like all Genji/Maiev, but it’s rare for players to leave say, an all Nazeebo/Raynor game. My guess is it’s because those heroes are fairly simple, have self sustain and possess the siege potential to end the match quickly.

Perhaps the Dev will have time in the future to exclude some problematic heroes from the MM pool, they would have internal data to rely on to make an informed decision.

Either way, it’s telling that ZolZol’s constructive thread about this issue, has been mostly ignored by those complaining the loudest.

The few players still demanding MM removal, apparently, aren’t willing to compromise, or provide a solution (other than having two queues, which is probably not feasible), so in their words, they will leave MM until their demands are met.

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Thats why I said in my last post about this that it would not matter if it was nerfed to 0,1% chance to pop up. Those who hate it will leave it regardless of how low the % is.

I will just say just let the complainers yell into the void and let them be. Waste of time trying to speak to people who already decided any MM is not worth his time no matter which hero he gets. Those who enjoy it will play it just like my last game and those who hate it can enjoy thier stay in leaver que.

Not much to say really until Blizzard themself removes it. Until then feel free to either play it or dont que up and stop wasting those who want to play it time by being a quitter.

They are not doing his team any favor anyway other then giving them all a reason to report them for afk.

Removing heroes from the MM pool that makes games too long would be the better choice then to remove MM completly. People are more likely to play it if they know they dont have to spend a whole hour dieing while making 0 progress.

What wont help at all in the long run is to keep pushing a quitter mentality down the throats of everyone who join his team just becauae he is the only one who hate it. Then you have one player that force his opinions down the throat of others and if they dont do as he want then you got a bot on your team and has to play a game outnumbered cause one player has to ruin the game for the many.

The haters can just play something els if it matters this much to them. Its not like ARAM is the only game mode in this game. But if they only care about ARAM then they can only try and adabt to the changes or dont play it at all. Its not really that hard to understand.

If Blizzard choose to remove it at some point then they can be happy. People will still leave normal ARAM for stupid reasons cause they act like ARAM is a serious mode like ranked when its just a clown mode.

Until then you will keep reading posts from the same people about how they get thier choices removed and MM is not part of ARAM when Blizzard decided it now is. They will keep complaining casue that is what loud minorities are good at instead of finding something els to use thier energy on like playing QM or ranked instead.

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The change to add MM in to ARAM wasn’t warranted in the first place. A random poll on a non-blizzard website that 99% of the player base had no idea was even happening? You have got to be kidding me.

Constructive feedback? How about posting in the patch notes that a new poll would take place here the Blizzard forum and everyone would be aware and have the chance to vote?

Not on a random 3rd party website that is rife with bots, and where things like polls and opinion have been easily manipulated in the past.

If you read my post history, I have said in an ideal world, they would make an in game poll about this change, similar to the after game questions we already have and ignore. The thing is, Hots is barely supported, so any change is rare, and probably takes more time to roll back, when there is a problem/complaint.

As for polling here on the forums? It’s not unfair to say these forums are a ghost town, and are even less representative of the wider Hots community, than Reddit.

Dev’s are under no obligation to poll the community, and for whatever reason, Reddit has always been their primary platform to gauge community concerns.

Again, except for a handful of heroes, I don’t like mirror games. What I don’t do is leave them/AFK, as that would ruin the game for nine other players, and is extremely selfish behavior.

I’m not saying you do this, but plenty of other posters here say they do.

You are a gold star 15k post user, you can’t expect me to go read all your posts right? :slight_smile:

I think where maybe we can both agree is that this is Blizzard’s own doing. The interaction with the player base gets an F grade from me. There were times where the forums were incredibly active and dev’s communicated with the player base quite regularly especially in the early days of Hots and the WoW hay day (going back 15 years or so).
There is no reason they cannot reinvigorate life into these forums, unfortunately with the current state of Blizzard, it seems unlikely, but they are fully capable of posting in the patch notes and setting up a poll here.
You asked for constructive ideas, which emphasizes a problem. Not fixing the problem is not a solution. It is and has been the biggest complaint on the Hots forums for over a year now.