10 Duplicate Heroes are ruining ARAM - terrible feature

you were born into the world screaming and yet you have persisted to this point. Life is unenjoyable because people don’t learn how to stop being miserable. Enjoyment comes by people learning how to do it, and not by complaining that they are that way. Otherwise, you may as well overdose on particular substances and hope one goes out on a high.

Repetitive behaviors can get the body to recognize moments for dopamine, endorphins or other ‘natural highs’ provided people have the nutrition to synthesize them. All tastes are acquired and people that fixate strictly on instant gratification in a genre that does not reward it are setting themselves up for a bad time.

Yea, I’ve got a whole team quit, but I’ve also had whole teams stay because a few words in chat got them to bother not racing to exist and playing is better than not.

But for people that haven’t figured that out, maybe they should hit up mobile slot games so they can get all the illusion of winning and flashy colors they expect up front.

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Your rant adds nothing and takes away even less from the point and the suggestion I am trying to make. What are you trying to accomplish here and what purpose do your posts serve? If you want to earn the right to post pictures to the forum there are much simpler methods.


I hope that’s a joke. If that would be a serious accusation, that’d be really sad…

The point is a discussion. There are perspectives people do not consider, so I point them out; there are people that claim ‘fact’ when they haven’t; there are people that try to use “reason” when they’re putting the cart before the horse.

People use the expression “no reason” when they haven’t figured out why something happened. Since “reason” is the explanation why something happened, there is always a “reason”. However, since people commonly confuse cause and effect, they ‘reason’ away ‘reasons’ because reasons ≠= reasoning.

Effectively untrue, but it’s an easy thing for people to claim. A lot of people try to ‘reason’ that “games are fun” or activities need some modicum of pleasure to it. That sort of thing even flew from Neil DeGrass Tyson and he’s a scientist, or a particular field of knowledge so even ‘smart’ people will overlook the inherent flaw with that claim.

There are several kinds of motivations people have, even for recreation, and if the goal is ‘enjoyment’ then “there are much simpler methods” than sitting through a Dota-like game.

There’s probably some 10 catagories of responses people have to aram/mirrors instead of the polarized projection people assume. However, since select people aren’t getting their way, they’re ‘ruining’ the mode for others and demanding conformity while complaining about the very issue they’re making.

As an aside, if this was just limited to 5 v 5 games, that’d be one thing, but these types of complaints and leavers plague 1 v1 games such that players demand devs make ‘punishments’ to deter people not-playing a game as being better than playing it. (If they’re not going to play it, then they should do something else instead of ‘wasting’ their time)

Examples of not-players on these forums include chronic complainers that generally indicate they don’t actually enjoy HotS (they leave games beyond just mirror aram;) there are other aspects of the game to remotely get them to think they ‘enjoyed’ it, but when pressed for details, it isn’t the game or the usual experience that they actually get. That’s not uncommon because this genre is rife with things that frustrate ‘enjoying’ the game.

When people are ‘cart before the horse’ they aren’t drawing a conclusion from a ‘reason’, so the reasons they put behind their complain don’t align. If people were ‘logical’ – we generally aren’t – then they might map out their Modus tollens and notice they haven’t set a correct “condition” on their “If P therefore Q”, or rather “Not P, therefore not Q”

Poll people and run a tally if there’s “enjoyment” in losing. If people don’t enjoy losing, then they wouldn’t participate in doing it or rather, the risk/reward is a compromise they have to consider. In this sort of game, at least 50% of the people are going to lose, and if they don’t ‘enjoy’ that risk, they try to rationalize away getting in games that they “know” that they’re going to lose and pretend it is a ‘reward’. Is “not P” (not losing) therefore “not q” (not playing) hold up as the reverse that they ‘know’ when they’re going to win, and therefore justify inaction?

These players tend to be “ends justify the means” so they rationalize the end, leaving a game, with erroneous means as the point isn’t to be “reasonable” for them, otherwise they’d probably do a different activity anyway. The ‘reason’ for playing the game requires people to have to do it for more than impulsive “enjoyment” otherwise there’s “simpler methods” that’ll do it faster, better, cheaper, more consistently. But realizing that takes more honestly, self-awareness, than is common for people to do because they haven’t learned how to ‘enjoy’ reflection and improvement. Instead, they look for something to blame when they don’t get what they want, and then fault others who don’t agree with their double-standards.

And they they keep repeating it because they don’t care about ‘facts’ or ‘truth’, they just convince themselves of an imaginary one instead. My hot take, if they’re going to be investing in that much “make believe” then they would be better suited for doing something else that has “simpler methods” for actually enjoying what they end up doing, instead of lying about it.


Again. No one are forcing you to play ARAM if you dont enjoy it as it is now. The devs asked the Reddit guys and the majority of them said yes to have it back and they did.

If that is too much for you then you got ranked and QM to play instead. No one are forcing you to click on that ARAM button knowing you will get a mirror at some point.

As for people quitting in masses cause of mirror games they mostly do the same aswell in non-mirror games aswell when the game does not give him what he want. Thats a fact.

Does not matter if its a MM or a normal ARAM. People are good at finding problems when there are none just to have something to complain about cause they are bored.

You can just scroll down the forums and see for yourself how many remove X hero from ARAM this forum got including Reddit. They were hot topics to complain about years ago. Now they complain about MM cause its hot topic to complain about today.

Nothing has changed in the playerbase.

Average Quickmatch game in 2024 : r/heroesofthestorm (reddit.com)

Just take this post on Reddit as an example. 3 players already left the game 4 min into the game just because team comp was not good enough for those. And this is QM btw.

It is legit nuts, that the skeleton crew we “have” asked on the most populated and tracked platform if we want something small, the majority said aram having all same, the “devs” toggled it back as a kind gift, and now a few folks constantly rant about it, even after it was lowered to be more rare.

Like this is a crowned example of why we cannot have nice things, because even if something is liked by most and gets (re)added (btw), some loud minority emerges and wants to destroy it…


Being wrong and how much it would hurt your pride, could it possibly be the first time this is happening for some of you? I have a problem with mirrors in general and and someone else has an even bigger problem with players abandoning the match to a much higher degree than in any other mode before the gates even open.

People leave QM as well, I won’t deny that. If I were to reintroduce my main account into ranked I would possibly be placed around the middle of the ladder which is full of delinquency, but as I slowly work my way up I more frequently meet serious players who not only keep some thoughts to themselves but are also much respectful of others. That might be one of the reasons I always liked QM. There’s always one guy far off the average MMR who doesn’t understand that his opinions and provocations aren’t shared by anyone else, but at the end of the day it adds up to a much more pleasant overall experience.

Either start talking stricter enforcement of punishment or better encouragement. At first we had a fresh hot steaming pile of dung in the middle of road and each fly would instinctively flock towards it, but ever since the sun dried out all the juices, it became unattractive. You were initially sold on an idea but in practice it just doesn’t work.

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I will let you know when or if that ever happens . That would just be another argument for it to have it’s own mode. Forcing people to play MM will never help this game. Common sense at it’s most basic

Could you answer it though, hypothetically?

Btw, no one is against it having a separated queue or against people not loving it. We all love/hate stuff in this game. The thing that people are mostly against is leaving, which is against the rules.


I answered the question. People can do whatever they want. People quit non MM all the time. Rules that do not make sense that do not help me or the game should be ignored. Staying in a MM I hate will only make for a miserable experience . So why stay ? to make others happy? Can’t do it

Not even close to being true.

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But doesn’t that hurt the game even more? I know a lot of people who stopped playing because there were too many afks in their matches (not only aram, but QM and ranked as well).

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as infrequently as people claim it happens it shouldn’t hurt the game at all . The majority of people that quit aram quit because it is a MM . I have never seen 7 people quit a regular aram ever at the start of the match. Seen that happen twice many times I have seen 5 players quit at start of MM and on down the line. Most players won’t bother to vent on this forum because they know the typical standard pre rehearsed response from the entrenched knights drowning out and flagging relevant posts.

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An interesting test would be to add that button where they can opt out of full mirror matches, but the catch is that they will only be matched with others who have the button checked. Everyone else, those who actively like it and those who don’t really care either way will have the usual 2% chance, and be in a separate queue.

I wonder which queue would have the longer wait times, and more people who leave or are afk, and end up in leaver’s queue anyway.


Wait, I thought you were about helping? Did you have a stroke and forget?

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I had a 3min long (regular) Aram win because the enemy team decided to sit in base. That’s not 7, but I think 5 is pretty close, plus why would someone leave a 3min long match on the winning side…

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I say just let them leave as many MM they want. In the end they will end up in leaver que so one less leaver on someone’s team who now dont have to play outnumbered because of one player’s ego and victim playing.

They fully know what they are quing up to just like they know they can end up getting the same map twice in a raw that they hate to play in QM.

You are correct. The person you are replying to hasn’t played the game since 2022. They just troll the forums.


These kind of post mostly comes from people that cant put out a proper argument cause they got none.

People will always quit games no matter if its QM, ARAM or a mirror match if they keep believing thier own stories that they cant be won.

Good that leaver que exists for people with that kind of additude :slight_smile:

And for your information I just got back to the game again. Had my first MM and no one left. We all played the match to end and no one complained.

Just prove not everyone is a quitter who hates it and need 10 accounts just to avoid something that only pops up 2% of the time and is not that bad if you care to play it.

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You might have quit Hots for a year, but from your comment, it’s clear you recall correctly, just how many players react to something that doesn’t meet their personal preference at any given time.

With more people leaving Hots, the baby rage quitters in all modes, seems more common. This blatant display of entitlement is what annoys me about those who are complaining about something as inconsequential as the occasional mirror games in ARAM.

I could sympathize with the complaints when it was 5%, that was far too frequent. I understand and have some sympathy for those who have made ARAM their main or only mode, as it probably “feels” like mirrors occur more often, compared to me who plays ARAM only a few times a week as I prefer Ranked and QM.

What I don’t sympathize with is people going AFK and holding a game hostage, or those who just quit because of something so trivial, it displays a total lack of respect for the nine other players in their game.