Trolls can say all day about people just need to get good, idgaf about trolls. Zilliax, with all effects, especially in warrior is not fun to play against at all. I shouldn’t have to play a super niche deck that loses to everything just to have a chance against Zilliax warrior. Otherwise this is mostly and amazing expansion; I guess I will come back to play if they nerf this card.
Just use a Dirty Rat or Yogg. Its not hard. Or you can just pout about it and ignore the other broken decks.
what are you even talking about? dirty rat does exactly nothing against zilliax and revived zilliaxes. yogg is super inconsistent, because its too expensive. when it comes down there is 90% chance the zilliax has already died multiple times.
Please, tell me, how can dirty rat help? just tell me how, or pls do not write anything so heretically ridiculous anymore :]
At this very moment fighter dropped this thing at turn 5 with spell, then resurrected 3 copies of it… 3 or 4 times! I destroyed seven mechs… and and he ended with 6 on board anyway.
Said like a true bronze player. Yog is a hard counter to zil. Zil is also expensive. Just wait to use yog until zil comes out. It literally counters the deck hard. Even better if you have reska.
Smart players doesn’t play Zilliax until they can kill it of. Neither Yogg nor Reska “counters” Zilliax, try again.
Spoken like a true bronze player. Yogg, dirty rat, reska all counter zil after res. There’s also silence and reno. So many counters and so many ways to play around a strong card, yet you don’t employ any of those and still complain. Hmm
I’m a 1500 legend player. Try again. They don’t counter Zilliax. There is multiple skill-less ways to ress the abomination of a card.
1500, thats it? Lmao
Well you stated that I was bronze and last time I checked 1500 legend is still higher than bronze.
Maybe a deck helped you autopilot to a low rank legend, but you describe a minion as the issue when it’s the cards around the minion that make it much stronger. Zil on his own is countered by silence, yog, etc… If anything, they should probably nerf the 5 mana summon a minion card. I still have very little issue with it since even after they res… there’s multiple answers.
Don’t bother with this guy. He’s just going on with “well I don’t have a problem with it, so you must be bad” while demonstrating zero understanding about what is making warrior toxic right now.
Yogg and Sylvanas and Reska are definitely all options against Zilliax, they’re just not foolproof.
This is how my games go against Warrior: They cheat out Zilliax on 5, I Evolve it, they concede. That’s the game. Who’s having fun in that matchup? I can tell you, I’m not. Maybe the Warrior is, I didn’t ask them.
Zillax, great in theory is horribly broken in play
Yogg is playable too late 98% of the time
Lol, how’s that gonna help you to avoid killing it? If anything, you saved your opponent 8 mana
Silence doesn’t do anything
Yog doesn’t do much of anything against the duplicating Zilliax, it’s only good against the solo one that gets shuffled back into the deck. Killing Zilliaxes just helps the Warrior, and I have seen some actively silence their own Zilliax and kill him just to prevent the opponent from getting to enough mana to steal him away. Some of Zilliax’s combinations punch so high above their mana cost that they would still see play if you were able to pay double the cost. A single minion that can easily trade with 4+ others and shuffles itself back into the deck after dying…utterly insane. Unkilliax really wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t also have evasive so you can’t even morph it.
Yogg isn’t too late even after a res, it literally takes away 2 copies and makes the warrior deal with it.
Dirty rat can bring out boom, preventing the extra resses. Not sure if you’ve played this game before.
Silence literally deals with the first zil.
There’s also reska and reno. How this is even an issue is hilarious
Yeah, I’ve gone full games against shaman without playing Zilliax because they refused to play anything with 6 or more attack so it wouldn’t die while trying to bait me into a transform/remove from game.
So I used a quadruple boomboss on them instead.
Yay warrior.
Rat bringing out Boom only takes care of one of their ways of rezzing Zilliax, since Blizzard, in their infinite wisdom, decided that warrior needed a resurrect spell to be viable.