Zilliax Deluxe 3000 Virus Module Needs Reborn Nerf

Standard Mode. Virus Module + new Hydration Station is oppressive. In Warrior, at least Inventor Boom is a legendary, meaning only 1 copy. I propose Virus Module gets its Reborn keyword removed. It’s causing too many problems and not letting other cards shine.


it is pretty dang strong i guess. it’s only really toxic paired with perfect module though. i dunno.

don’t forget hydration station too. imo they should change it so zilliax can only be ressurected 1 time from boom or hydration station. either make it unique to zilliax or make it so the same minion reborn doesnt count as 2 different ones dying.

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Maybe time has come to remove the Virus Modul completely because seems like nothing works on this to be nerfed.

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It is pretty devastating. Maybe too much so. With the new ramp tools for druid and warriors and warriors catching onto the 5mana summon card it’s really difficult for even agro to get under the zilliax spam. Unless you’re playing super agro you basically have to have some kind of steal or transform removal effect. Even if you manage to kill zilliax (which is hard to begin with) it’s back breaking when it comes back 2-4 more times in short order.

Just remove the taunt. That way hydration station can’t ressurect it. Problem solved. Taunt is the one you wanna hit, not reborn.

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Zilliax is fine, the problem is resurrecting multiple copies.

No, can’t remove Taunt because most of classes are using it for that… just remove Virus Modul… problem solved… no reborn, no poison, no elusive… thats it… Nothing else seems work… this card were nerfed already 3-4 times… still not enough…

they should just make it so both of the parts are in your deck, and you need to to draw both into your hand to combine them

slow it down


interesting idea but kinda ruins the flavor of zilliax

it feels awesome when you do it in battlegrounds

Warriors that play this right now are so toxic. I can’t believe this is still live.

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While it is absolutely in need of a change, it is amusing to see the “hurr durr me go face” players rage.