To add to that, I think all highlander cards should be changed to a start of game effect. That would stop all the non highlander decks from using DQA, zephy,etc. I know start of game effect can be dangerous but that change doesn’t feel like it would be game breaking to me.
It’s not just a 2 mana card lethal, it’s a 2 mana card for “oh i didn’t account for what you’re doing in my deck creation, so give me the perfect card to defeat all of my opponents deck creation work…”
Agree. Highlander decks should be just that. Not any deck that draws its whole deck and now is a highlander deck. Never felt right.
blizzard tried making such cards, turned out those types of effects were so powerful they had to rotate them one year in advance.
i dont think it does …seeing there are so many complaining about the card not giving them what they want often because they dont spend mana to aim for the cards they want !(and some dont believe others when told zeph doenst look at your hand and complain about zeph not giving them a card to combo with something in their hand for lethal !
Agreed, Zephrys was the worst design decision I’ve seen so far in the game.
Aged like milk left outside for over a year.
Yeah Zephrys is a Mistake you should not get what is basically MTG’s Demonic Tutor attached to a 3/2 body for 2 mana.
is WAY better the zephrys over all. with tutor you know what you are getting and you don’t have to look for lethal. zeph wiffs a lot though.
The cost is illusory. First decks are 30 cards no more no less its not hard to get 30 single cards to maka a deck especially since Legendaries are already limited to 1 copy and most deck have at least 3 legendaries with the singleton decks have double that on average. Then you have lots of like costed cards that do near the same thing like Power of Creation and Deep Freeze to name 1 example you are not giving up that much consistency because you weren’t fitting all the copies of those effects you could carry in 1 deck anyway. Furthermore every time we had singleton support the decks were all at least mid tier and often the best deck available. If Singleton was such garbage inconsistency then why do people play the decks, take them to high level tournaments and win with them? The truth is you aren’t giving up all that much consistency in deck function. The illusion is you think you needed that extra copy of whatever to be more consistent but you forget that meant you had to remove the other thing that worked just as well so you gained net 0 consistency but instead you lose it from breaking singleton.
since we are using MTG to measure hearthstone powerlevel: lets introduce Chaos Orb and Shahrazad in HS.
Don’t give them any more idea because they probably will. We are close to Chaos Orb becoming a real card already already with all the RNG.
Chaos Orb isnt RNG, its basically 100% to succeed unless your opponent builds a tower
Except you can’t really flip a card in a Digital Card game so they will implement it in an RNG way such as a card that randomly destroys half the minion and mana crystals or a card that randomly destroys either all your minion or all your mana and does the other to the opponent IE 1 player loses all mana and the other loses all minions both effect happen but players randomly get 1 or the other but never both to the same player.
you just rip it into tiny pieces and throw it all over opponents board, so destroy everything should be an appropriate effect
I can’t agree more. This card, while a technological feat, is plainly and purely disgusting and a game-ruiner.
Blizzard team got such a good idea. ZEPPPPPP.
It spoils the games time after time after time.
Shotloads of people are crazy angry about the absurd mechanics of the card.
They pretend to change it , but dont really do that. Theyre changing it again, but not really.
Only choice is to delete the card. Period.
4 games in the last 7 changed completely because of 1 unbalanced card.
Im out . Quitting HS because of one card. good job Blizz and fu2.
they have never changed the card, they have just made minor adjustments to its logic as there were specifc scenarios where it would miss lethal.
which would technically be a buff.
no, it corrected a flaw in the existing logic where zephrys for example prioritized that lifesteal taunt would need to be attacked and would therefore not offer burst from hand when fireball was lethal.