Zephyrs Is a Mistake

I think it needs a straight up nerf if not total removal from the game. Let’s examine my last 3 Control Priest losses to Warlock in ranked play:

Turn 7: Play Galakrond The Wretched - get 5/2 weapon AND I have to clear the board which I have planned for.
Turn 9: Alextrasza - knock me from 30 life to 15, attack with weapon (10 life)
Turn 10: Zephyrs the Great for Pyroblast (which he gives EVERY time if you are at 10 health or below)

DIE since there is almost ZERO I can do about it.

There is absolutely no strategy involved in this since there is really no counter-play I can make against it. Up to Turn 9 I played a perfect game and sat at a full 30 life. You could say I could play my own Zephyrs, but then I have to play a totally different deck.


Epic necro, my duuuuude.

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well, he played 4 turns and managed to win with zephrys. If this is not strategy i don’t know what strategy is.

what was your plan during turn 7-8-9-10? playing mass removal and wait till “our homes, our tombs” becomes invincible?

Also, zephrys at turn 10 makes very hard to play pyroblast on the same turn, so you had another turn to recover

I just remembered: galak lock probably isn’t even an highlander deck (if he invoked 4 times before turn 7, he probably wasn’t highlander). So your opponent also managed to draw a lot of cards from his deck in order to play zephrys on 10.
For what i see, he was a really good player who thought in advance a strategy to beat your deck; maybe also lucky with the draw, but that’s the nature of the game.

I think zephrys wasn’t the problem of your loss, you probably matched up against a good player with a deck that can counter yours


I think you make some good points, but I guess my issue is the fact that I had completely locked him down for essentially 7-8 turns, and with the cards he had in hand, he was guaranteed a win, even though I had played a perfect game.

I have no issue with most of the cards that Zephyrs can produce, but it is a guarantee that you will get a Pyroblast if your opponent is at 10 health or lower, which is where I have the issue. Read the notes about him on hearthstone.gamepedia. He will always produce lethal at this point in the game. So, one turn you play Alex, the next you play Zephyrs, and the next you win.

How do you counter this?

How about we don’t since we don’t care about your anecdotal ‘evidence’?

Nope. It doesn’t.

Either by healing yourself or playing Counterspell Secret if you’re a Mage. If you can’t, well, TOO BAD. Because guess what; at some point you run into a situation you can’t get out of. And lose. Someone has to at the end of the day. And that someone happened to be you.

Deal with it and have a good day. :slight_smile:

Zephyr works for people that are experienced with all of the cards of HS, it takes a lot of brain to play at HIGH rankings.

You don’t need to be experienced at HS to play the card. You just need to know it’s cardpool so you will know what card it will offer you with the mana you have left.

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Totally agree with you, Zephyrs the great is way too powerful for hearthstone. It rewards BAD PLAY. You can screw up and stall all game and insta win with a zephyrs. It is streamlined auto win.

I strongly recommmend this card be REMOVED FROM THE GAME.

You get 1600 dust back, 3200 if its gold.


Zephrys should be removed from the game. No Swiss Army knives.


I call witchcraft! Burn him. BURN HIM ALIVE!!!

The sooner the highlander mechanic is dead the sooner we can talk about fixing other things.

Death to zephrys.

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Well; fear not. The stable geniuses at HS are talking about nerfs to dragon caster, lol which will effectively leave mage with no deck in tier play.
But; I agree. Kill Zephrys.

Mage is op. Its just the meta holding it back. Mage cant beat DH and hunter but dominates everyone else. Mage is right on the edge of tier 1 status. Its a good idea to start dialing back the mana cheating as long as they balanced more of the other classes as well.

Uh huh. 'cause its going to be so good once they take away the only mechanic that makes it playable at all. You call it balance and I will call it murder. Mage has nothing but HL. Once it’s gone Mage won’t even be measurable on tier. Kill Zeph, that’s fine. It’s stupid and should not exist at all, but to claim that the only tier deck Mage has is OP? What a pack of delusional children must work at Blizzard.

Blizzard is going to start addressing random card gen, problem cards like zephyr and alex, and even more DH changes and you want to say they are a pack of delusional children? These are some good first steps.

I can only speak for mage. If they take away HL then Mage has nothing.
The class will be effectively dead. Getting rid of RNG is great, but if they do not give Mage something to take it’s place, then the class is unplayable.

I have an alt mage account that I have played into diamond so far this month and. Could probably push for legend if I wanted to take the time, but I play a lot of bg’s on the account since I used gold to buy the perks on it.

I do not run highlander or spell mage with it, mage is still good without highlander package, but I do agree that highlander is probably the best mage build out there right now

What are you running that is legend capable if not Highlander? Now I’m fascinated:)

No, they arent. Good first steps is proper testing prior to release, and they consistently fail to do so. Whether it be Shudderwock, whos broken interactions were only discovered a week or so before launch, Demon Hunters power level on release, or the increasing regularity of bugs over the last couple of years, its simply unacceptable.

I am probably alone in my opinion, but I think Zephy is fine. Before I joined the dark side and crafted him, I thought he was terribly broken as well. But it’s a skill testing card that whiffs as often as he wins. It isn’t just auto win, you have to know classic and basic set well enough, and then guide your mana cost to the appropriate values and hope he gives you the answer. Also it’s only a one of in a highlander deck, so just as often he sits at the bottom of your deck when you wish you drew him.

I do agree that decks that can draw there whole deck that are not highlander should probably not be able to run it. That is the only area I see that it shouldn’t be viable.