It’s pretty annoying when people are using brewmaster to bounce him these days. I’d be okay with a 1 mana nerf but adjust his stats to 4/3 instead just so you can’t use him as twisting nether.
i do agree bouncing make it irritating so i find the only acceptable nerf is to stop it from being able to wish again. The text can be wish for the perfect card (only 1 wish per game). I like the ability for zephyrs to allow a board wipe. Your opponent just spend 10 mana resetting the board, Anything you play next tempo is to you not him. Its delaying without winning.
I think it should be limited to 3 wishes per game…
I may not share everyones hate of this card, but that’s an awesome thing.
He could even have special voice lines that trigger when you try to do more wishes, and it could even be just 1 wish!
So im on board with forced highlander (check initial deck state, not current) and this! Because flavor matters.
It’s not so much “hate.” Zephrys is a marvel of card execution and technicality. It also does give highlander more support than highlander otherwise would have.
I don’t think Zephrys should be nerfed. To me, this is more of a cautionary tale of just because you can design something ground breaking doesn’t mean you should.
At this point, you can’t meaningfully change the card without destroying it or causing unintended consequences. For example, Zephrys checking at the start of the game would negate the counter effect of bombs. Second, it would enable abuse with cards like dire frenzy. Third, you have a technical issue with reshuffle cards like baleful banker and plot twist. The result would confuse players.
I think most would be fine with Zephrys in a world where players aren’t able to find answer after answer through other mechanics, such as discover. In the right deck and right class, those effects exert an undue influence on the result of the game. I think it’s the cumulative effect with zephyrs that’s causing the pain.
Dude the only person who couldn’t use Zephyrs would be a new player, it doesn’t take a genius to know that Bloodlust would win a game when you have full/near full board, or mass dispel to get around big taunts, or pyro for 10 damage next turn, shadow flame turn 6 for AOE 3 damage… i could go on, but Zeph is done brokeded.
I don’t understand why people think this card is ‘high skill ceiling’ it’s a 2 mana win the game with multiple options and no counter play besides Bomb Warrior.
Because Zephrys won’t give you Bloodlust unless your board is full of minions. He won’t give you Pyroblast unless it would give you lethal next turn. If you play him too early or too late, then you won’t get the card you need to win the game.
And Zephrys is not Exodia. If you do nothing to set him up and rely solely on him to win you the game, the best he can give you is Tirion Fordring (Who will inevitably be Hexed, of course). If your deck can’t give Zephrys the setup he needs to win the game (And oh boy, does he need a setup), then he’s nothing more than a card generator.
A good player plays him at just the right time to win the game. A bad player doesn’t set him up at all and just gets a decent minion out of him.
It’s far better than that. It gives you whatever card might be fit for the situation: great board removal, tempo, powerful endgame and indeed extra reach
Maybe the issue is it’s ability to be used in decks that don’t even start out with the highlander restriction (no duplicates in deck). What if it read something like “If your deck started with no duplicates, wish for the perfect card” or something along those lines, where your deck needs to be highlander from the get-go, to avoid these scenarios where Zephrys is being added to non-highlander decks.
Does that make counter play like bombs and darkness useless though? I think it’s fine for non highlander deck to play zephyrs. Depends on the number of duplicates zephyrs can be unplayable for the whole game. This is a big enough punish for putting zephyrs in a duplicate deck.
I’ve seen a lot of people complaining about Zephrys in non-highlander decks than anything else, so that’s where I’m basing my statements off of.
I’d agree with you OP but it is an absolute must have card in order to counter some of the more ridiculously OP cards blizz gave us this expac. I used to see it as a major aggro card but now i use it mainly as a defensive card.
Zephrys isthe greatest idiot card they made.
I support the idea to ban it from Standard from Wild (ranked versions).
What card more OP than Zephrys did this expac introduce?
No, decks like Murloc Paladin, Myra’s Rogue, and Quest Druid can just jam it in because they draw through their deck so quickly and playing a vanilla 2 mana 3/2 if need be is totally fine.
It really should be restricted to highlander decks.
if you are murloc paly, are you going to play zeph as 3/2 for tempo? highly unlikely no. same for the other 2. Its such good value you rather lose the tempo and hold it. The highlander mechanics have always been remaining card in deck, changing it will be weird and like i say make counterplay like darkness, scream, bomb useless to counter their effect.
Murloc Pally draws so quickly that it’s rarely your best play. That’s more of a Prismatic Lens issue than anything.
Aggro Rogue definitely plays Zeph on curve. If you don’t, you’re playing incorrectly.
No wonder aggro rogue is really in bad shape now. Vanilla speaking a 3/2 is alot weaker than a 2/3 due to its weaker ability to stick on board. You really want the fireball from zephyrs to end the game. Murloc paly is a deck I played quite a bit and I can say for sure. Zephyrs is the worst can I want in my mulligan hand. Or anything before turn 4.
It’s really pretty good in Aggro Rogue. You’re just trying to eke out every bit of damage you can to kill your opponent quickly. Murloc Paladin is just about abusing Lens most of the time. Early game I Win cards like pre nerf Barnes, pre nerf Pocket Galaxy, and Prismatic Lens are poorly designed.
I dun play aggro rogue nor i played against any to tell. Lens is overly hated. Is it a good card? yes, but most of the time i paid almost the full cost of the mana of the tip the scale. People dont seems to realise the whole turn 4 is lost on lens and its super bad in tempo. The reason why murloc paly cannot handle aggro deck like murloc shaman, aggro warrior to some extent, token druid or zoolock is simply because turn 4 do nothing is so bad. Just because i paid the cost in instalment doesn’t mean i didnt pay for it. Barnes on the other hand was a 4 mana 4/5 (vanilla stats) pulling something that may do 8 damage at end of turn? Recruit a big minion at end of turn?. Even if the 1/1 die, another 2 / 4 mana may just get it back easily. That’s so much more of a mana cheat compare to lens.