Mechathun has an amazing played winrate.
That’s because these cards can be used as finishers.
Played winrate is a tricky stat when you look at finishers, because you only play them if you are going to win with them (leeroy for example as well).
That’s partly why he isn’t so great against warriors.
Erm… the glass is always full, half water, half air, just saying. On the Zeph note: Zeph isn’t magic and perfect, you still gotta help him along and if you make a misstep then zeph hurts you.
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I hate both yogg and zephrys, losing to those 2 card is pretty stressful.
Zephrys alone ia pretty solid minion by itself. I played arena couple times with him, even just his body entered the board at turn 2 it is already a decent tempo against most arena deck because he can pretty much trade into any 3 drops that is not tar creeper
Thanks for the hearthstone 101. Quote a useful refresher for me. I learn something new on this forum every day!!
You missed my point though. Also I couldn’t care less about losing a game at rank 16 in wild.
Unlike the ones you listed for their battlecries, he is winning games on the turn played where players should not have done so. People would change their tune when a control warrior has a board of relatively small mechs and wasn’t even highlander but had drawn the dups out and drops zeph into bloodlust. That shouldn’t happen.
But yeah, keep lying that he isn’t winning games because he is. He wouldn’t be used in as many decks if he wasn’t.
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How would you “know” that a warlock was running that? So now we’re supposed to assume that everyone has it? That’s like No One Escapes Death in Dead By Daylight where people say “Oh just cleanse all totems every game” just in case someone MIGHT have one perk which is ridiculous. Much less the fact that Zoo will already have you low regardless so there probably was no playing around it(assuming it was Zoo).
He pretty much is if you use him correctly. I’m pretty sure if you have 4 mana after playing him and your opponent is at 6 he’ll always give fireball. If the board is stable and you play him and then have 8 he usually gives Tirion(or if you have 0 mana on turn 7). There are a lot of specific instances with relatively known outcomes.
You would know because the warlock had no duplicates. Non-zeph zoolock absolutely runs doubles of its very very high impact cards. And draws so much you will 100% see one.
But you don’t even have to go that deep. If you’re facing zoolock…you absolutely should expect a fast finisher. Be it soulfire, leeroy, ect. Against aggro, being at 10 or less health is extremely dangerous. Every last one can explode for around 10 damage, zeph or not.
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I’ve seen plenty of decks that I’ve hit turn 10-15 without seeing a duplicate and it wasn’t a highlander deck, so no.
I mean you said what we all know, but the card is giving them yet another for nothing really. You shouldn’t have to now expect an extra 12-15 damage on turn 7 if they had 5 minions on board and yet you do.
My quest hunter will do the exact same thing if you leave 5 minions up.
I mean, if your opponent has a near full board that late in the game you definitely aren’t sitting on good prospects. Every single last deck that even wants such a board is going to waste you if they have it.
Zeph doesnt make your deck suddenly an aggro deck dude. It can help an aggro deck punish you, sure. But thats not different than anything else they do. Hes not giving savage roar to a single mountain giant, at that point he would offer direct damage.
“He can be anything!”
No, he cant. He can only play into the state your deck can leave him in. A low minion deck just isnt likely to have a savage roar board. And a high minion deck isnt likely to need twisting nether. Those cases where they do are so fringe and indicate a game already fully beyond the control of one player. Did control warrior have 7 minions up? Well, you already lost that game. Did zoo have an emtpy board against you and twisting nether? Thats a game zoo is losing in the end because they already lost board control and the play did nothing to get it back.
HUGE difference between Quest Hunter with minions up versus Zoo with minions up. Zoo you can plan for the +1/+1 to the board, whereas you KNOW that the quest hunter has it and usually they’re smaller than what zoo has late game. It’s nowhere near the same thing. Zeph is a problem and should never have included lethal options like fireball, SR, or BL to decks that shouldnt have access to those to begin with.
It’s kinda like him offering mass dispell vs quest paladin. That’s one of the worst cards in the game as far as ruining your game plan. Now all of a sudden 33% of all decks have it in addition to rogues randomly generating it and priests autoincluding it.
It’s gotten to the point that I’m questioning whether mechano egg is even worth running because at least when they mass dispell your mechanical whelp board you can still trade.
Does he recognize buffs and magnetic? I know they said they were optimizing for DR, but does reborn and buffs etc count?
I’m not entirely sure, but any time my opponent drops him, they always have mass dispell on that play or the following.
I know he recognizes taunts and Dr, probably recognizes buffs too
Yes. He does. Try quest paladin. Every time I face zephyrs I have to plan for a mass dispell. If it is highlander hunter, I need to eat it twice.
I like how they throw up a huge article about class identity, weaknesses, strengths and then immediately go and make a neutral card that can do anything.
Putting aside how much of a joke that article was, they also mentioned that Neutrals help fill in those gaps. The weaknesses were things that you’ll find less of in thats class’s cards.
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This is merely your illusion of balance.
Decks have varying win conditions, structures, strengths and weaknesses.
Zephrys bends those principles in a very dangerous fashion. A built-up Zul’jin is supposed to be that play that sets back against a wall. Because, precisely, he is meant to do that; not unlike a combo deck pulling its own maneuver.
You’re trying to justify Zephrys with your own innate lack of understanding regarding balance, and a bias against high-cost cards. There’s a reason we are “allowed” to select 30 cards.
All in all the bottom line is I see this card getting nerfed pretty soon. Card is totally bonkers and at least shouldnt be a 3/2. Late this card is just 2 mana win the game way too much of the time.
And as has been stated is very weird card to release when you clean up class identities. We cleaned up what classes should have access to and defined it oh and Hey guys here’s this new card that can do anything. Go nuts!
Highlander deck lack consistency and have counters by shuffling cards into their deck. Zephyrs is a card that allow this kind of deck to work. Some may say its okay to include this in a non highlander deck but this simply means if drawn early, you have 1 dead card in your hand. Also the effect is once off which is the payment for a limited option in deck building or waiting till your decks finally do not have duplicates. If there is any nerf, i hope its just a (this card cannot be bounce) effect will do.