Zephyrs Is a Mistake

I think zephyr gets nerfed eventually. Too gud

The devs seem to think that even/odd or highlander is such a big restriction. It isn’t.

Zephrys should never give bloodlust, fireball, SR etc. It just encourages brain dead play.

Basically this. When classes that don’t have highlander legendaries are going highlander just for this card, there’s a problem.

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20 char limit and tittle limits

but this forum doesnt have something to prevent people from posting twice in row on the same thread >_<

Zephrys is a pretty absurd thing to complain against, I have neither won nor lost a game because of this card.

He CAN BE a win condition if you let yourself get to that point, but guess what… there are a ton of cards that can be win conditions. He is no different, and I would say less powerful than a big shudderwock/zul’jin/yogg turn. He can solve one board state, or give you some face damage or a big minion, but this is no different than drawing another powerful card that will give you a swing turn.

Logri no different than any other card? Paladins casting fireballs, warlocks casting savage roar, hunters casting pyroball. This is more different than any other card ever made.


I thought this card was getting old, but then I played against a druid who managed to play it multiple times through bartender, brewmaster, and Elise.

It doesn’t matter what you do if your opponent has “pay 2 Mana, ruin your opponents board” multiple times over the course of a few turns.

But he is only going into decks containing very early “draw 7” and “draw your deck” effects.

Even then, statistically he is one of the weakest cards in the decks for all the times he is drawn and they don’t get Myra’s or Tip the scales.

He seems to be in there as a hail mary play for specific matchups, rather than being core to those decks in any way.

Ah yes the tried and true blizzard policy of printing a stupidly overpowered card and then deciding that cards in the classic set are “ problems”

Except that the warlock who beat me yesterday with 2 cards in hand and me having full control of the board wouldn’t have otherwise had access to fireball.

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I mean, Leeroy, soulfire, or any other reach card also could have gotten them there. Usually decks run a few ways to push for lethal when they lose control of the board. Zephrys is just a flexible one (which is incredibly strong, but not inherently broken)


One of the problem is the stat. Such a good card with a stat line of 3-2 for 2 mana is insane. All and when I say ALL the amazing highlander card have bad stat for their mana cost because the effect is insane … but not this one.

A bad player that play it on turn 2 get an amazing turn 3 card (Wild growth, animal companion). Basically its a 3-2 for 2 draw an amazing card to play next turn or right now … it should be a 1-2 or something like that.

Except that you know hes running zeph. In the very least, you know he could. In the very very least you should know that your health was within lethal range.

A lot of people get this wrong, so im going to clear it up. You are not winning because you control the board. You didn’t stabilize against a deck because you control the board. You win because their health is 0. Until then, you did not. You stabilize when the opponent can no longer put you into lethal range. Not one second before then.

You allowed them to deal too much damage to you, end of story. Maybe you misplayed or overextended your health resource. Maybe your deck needs some tweaking to add more stabilizers to it

Either way, the loss wasnt because of zephyrs it was because you didnt properly build, assess, or play your deck for that game.

Uhh… Finley is a 2-mana 2/3, and Brann is a 7-mana 10/12.

Reno, both, were 4/6s too.

Even kazakus had a decent stat line.

I actually cant think of 1 single highlander specific card with a bad one.

6 mana for a 4-6 is bad stat
4 mana for a 3-3 is bad stat
2 mana for a 3-2 is great stat

name an other 4-6 minion for 6 mana play other then amazing highlander one, you wont find any because it’s terrible stat for 6 mana, you expect a WONDERFULL effect for such bad stat.

Beside the new Brann in hunter, I see no other with great stat but bran offer JUST STAT ACTUALLY … so that why, a simple taunt will negate the face damage or mess up your opponent plan. You dont get full health back or clear a board, you get stat thats all. And finn is bad and not play at all, so that’s why he got good stat.


I’m hating this card more and more each day. It’s so powerful that non highlander decks are running it because the very instant you can play him it’s a major tempo swing.

The idea of the card is awesome, but it’s just too good. It needs to not allow cross class discovery, but then that takes away from the purpose of the card.

I don’t know what they will do if anything, but this is hands down the best card in the entire game and it’s entirely too strong.


Card text change:

Whenever you use Zephrys the Great to discover a card that is not from your class, there is a 33% chance to suffer Wish Stress.

Wish stress - Suffer 10HP damage and all your minions fall asleep, all your copies of Zephyrs the Great are destroyed, wherever they are.

It would be easy to nerf if they wanted to. Just make it more expensive. That alone limits what he will offer. No same turn tirion, or nether, and harder to combo his wish with other burn in your hand.

However, I don’t know if he’s a problem yet.

He doesn’t perform well against warriors.

But against most classes it yields a high win rate played on curve and anywhere from 55 to 75% win rate when played in later turns.