Zephrys Hotfix - August 8, 2019

Uh hello HS development team. You fixed that stuff, but didn’t fix the fact that it still sees the Jaraxxus Hero skin as the Jaraxxus card. So it still offers up Sacrificial Pact. that was like an easy spot and necessary fix and you left it in.

Try playing Sacrificial Pact on Jaraxxus.

He’s talking about the Mecha Jaraxxus Skin from Boomsday’s Presale, which is not effected by SP, as the 9 Mana 3/15 “Replace your hero” is.

Oh. A counter to Zephrys have been found

I have seen videos of Zephrys offering Sacrificial Pact against normal Warlock hero skin too. It could be offering it as a generally good card against a Warlock, since they are likely to play a demon later on. Probably worth looking into, still.