Zeddy loves new Spell Mage

Possibly. Don’t make him a hypocrite though.

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I don’t know that he is hypocritical, but he does pander.

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I miss TrumpSC and Arnaz. They just played the game and let the devs design the game.


Oh i agree 100% her voice is a much worse offender to my piece of mind.
I would rather watch Zeddy play a few Arena runs (despite his occasional dumb takes or the non stop hockey trivia i care nothing for) than go to the Taylor Swift event i payed for…

Now, now. It could be worse.:slight_smile:
There’s always Selena Gomez or Miley Cyrus. :rofl:

Have you listened to any of Miley Cyrus’s rock covers? She actually has a really good voice for those.

This topic has veered so far off course that it should be reported for trolling.

I have no beef with those ladies, i cant even tell you 1 song from either of them.
Ignorance is bliss in that case, Taylor Swift is a pandoras box that has sadly fouled the sanctity of my beloved domain.

She’s alright, when she is in key and isn’t over singing.
I don’t believe she would have been famous but for her family connections.

It’s not trolling. We’re comparing Zeddy to some female singers until we meet a middle ground of what a hypocrite is so we can decide if Zeddy’s take on Spell Mage is worth a dime.

I really like her voice and energy/passion in Led Zeppelin and Metallica covers. I also like some Taylor Swift songs, but that’s more the music than her.

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Well; vocals notwithstanding, “the Man” is really clever writing.
It says what I imagine a million women have wanted to for at least fifty years or more.

Look at the comment above me.

I don’t hate Miley. She did perform a terrific cover of “Don’t Dream it’s Over” with Ariana.
I just think her voice gets a little flat and loud at times.

I don’t see any trolling. Definitely off-topic. But harmless. These threads often get that way. Better than dealing with Scrotes.

Shame on you for not catching my Diablo easter egg…
You re playing too much POE lmao.

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Since We clearly have a hall monitor here, with no contributions other than pressing the flag button, I will return to message voluntarily.
Zeddy plays this deck far more conservatively than I do, and that was eye- opening for me.
I have always just gone as hard face as i can and if I burn out? Well, then I move on.
This video might teach me to keep my powder dry.

I did miss it! Help an old man out?

Thats it delete this mans Blizzard account…

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So; Orion, do you have any thoughts on the deck?
I don’t think it is half as strong as some are saying.

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Better than i expected without a clear win con card.
Depends on high rolls with Manufacturing Error and worse the meta state.

It can easily fold back to tier 4 if the starving Mages keep playing it.
And they will with this type of videos from Zeddy.

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It looks like Mage is in a spot where it was last year I believe. That is to say, it’s the most popular by far, but it’s just an average deck.

Deck looks like a low Tier 2 deck, which isn’t bad, but 15% of the player base is playing that specific deck which is more than the next 2 decks combined (they sit at 7%).

Hopefully this is sort of where it maxes out at so it doesn’t get over played. Mage is definitely a class that seems to be the most popular amongst all the players. They love playing it if it’s even remotely decent. This is sort of where Mage shines.

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