Zeddy loves new Spell Mage

Zeddy is a 2 faced idiot thats in it for the money, he was always a Mage fan.

But he has 0 issues making videos for clicks that get Mage cards nerfed that he abuses non stop.

He cried wolf all the time about Time Warp but i doubt theres anyone with more games using said deck.

Go suck a lemon Zeddy lmao.


Everything tends to appear amazing to them. After all, if it didn’t, they would jeopardize their income.

You can think something should be nerfed but still play it for whatever reason (wins/fun). Not really hypocritical, just perhaps unethical by certain moral standards.

He’s also incredibly outspoken against Blizzard and their practices. See Heroic Arena or rewards tracks.

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I said he abused it for a reason, its not something he played casually.

He tends to like the most degenerate Mage decks and he plays them to exhaustion, and all that is fine if he didnt then turn tail and make videos saying what the masses want to hear.

Thats my only issue, he is not consistent with what he plays or thinks.
He has showed many times that he is obsessed with growing his channel view numbers and will do anything to promote said growth.

Doesn’t seem like an issue to me. As long as he sticks to convictions with Blizzard as a company, he’s okay.

For me it looks like Taylor Swift making a save the environment speech while she travels to her moms house in a private jet.

And no Zeddy doesnt get a pass because i like him more than a singer coming to my country next week in said private jet.

Both hypocritics for money.

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I don’t think it’s the same at all. You’re comparing environmental damage to someone simply making content and calling out if a card is overpowered. It’s genuinely not hypocritical. If he was like, “This card is OP–set an example and don’t play it,” then he did, he’d be a hypocrite.

I think Taylor gets a bad rap.
Is she an environmentalist? No, but idk that she has ever purported herself to be.
I’ll be honest. Zeddy gets on my nerves, but he did showcase the deck, and that is why I shared it.

Yeah shocking, buddy.
A HS YouTuber is trying to earn a living. Why not just waste their valuable time creating videos solely to bash Blizzard, only to earn peanuts, day in and day out?

Quit it. You are making a fool of yourself.

I don’t really watch any of that type of game play stuff myself. I just like news and comedy when it comes to Hearthstone content. I don’t watch Zeddy much myself as I find his voice and demeanor obnoxious. But I don’t think he’s a hypocrite, and he does know a lot about Hearthstone.

I don’t know much about Taylor Swift. She’s probably talking more about cutting down rain-forests type of stuff than air pollution. However, if she’s against SUVs, then she’s totally a hypocrite.

Never did i put that in question, i was sharing his videos on this forum when he didnt even had 1k subs, to this day he is one of the best players to watch play Arena.
A hypocritic now that he is 100%, unlike his early days.

When he returns to doing (he wont) what he preaches on his videos i will change my take.

I think people dog-pile the lady for reasons of their own.
She is no different than any other high profile entertainer.
They all use private air travel in spite of the emissions, yet I don’t see anyone else being singled out for the negative press.

It seems she has been vocal about environmentalism? If she spoke out against fuel emissions and rides around in a jet, I’d definitely say she’s a hypocrite.

How is saying a card is overpowered and should be changed preaching that you shouldn’t play it?

Saying a card/deck is bad for the games health that it brings Hearthstone down for everyone and then be the person that most abuses said cards/decks seems like text book hypocritical behaviour to me.

She apparently bought twice the necessary carbon credits to offset her air travel.
Which, likely agreeing here with Orion. I think carbon offsets are useless.
Reductions are the only real answer.
But Taylor at least made the gesture, and that is far more than most richies bother with.
Zeddy says what he thinks people want to hear, I believe.
Pandering aside though, he is a good player, and brings attention to a deck that I will be playing full time next month.

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Yeah but you can also argue that over exposing it will get change done sooner. It’s not like irreversible damage to the environment.

If she was aware that it was a pointless gesture, then I’d say she’s worse than a hypocrite.

I don’t know what she thinks, I only gave my view on Carbon offsets.
They seem like lip service to me.
We have far worse problems in Our World than Taylor’s carbon footprint.

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Sure do. But she’d still be a hypocrite if she were aware that it was essentially paying lip service for her image, and that’s what is being argued here. Don’t know though. Don’t know exactly what she said, either.

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I don’t either. But Orion is not wrong about Zeddy.
Zeddy says whatever he thinks will garner the most attention.