Zeddy (and Regis) make some good points

And it’s the correct position, as someone that has been running BSM since before the mini set launched at a way higher success rate than the old Surfalopod/Under the sea lists.

Reno is also often one of the top win rate cards in highlander decks, but the highlander decks are worse than other builds.

It comes with a deck building restriction that you can’t ignore when looking at those stats.

You can’t trade oils
You can’t run AoEs like heat wave for faster matchups
You can’t run cards like orb or Infinitize the Maxitude for value matchups.

Everything you’d want to run to beat big spell Mage’s bad matchups are blocked by Surfalopod and under the sea. It makes the deck less flexible and more reliant on the high roll. That’s what decks are exploiting to push BSM down to tier 3.

I’ve been doing quite well with big spell mage without those “best cards”