Yup! Bad game is bad

I mean, if people keep saying “you just had bad luck” at this point, than we are playing a different game. This is what I usually get in the past 2 weeks. Pathetic RNG.


I had … 23 health and 10 armor prior to this turn. He literally took 14 with that Blindeye , 2 damage with Illidari and … 16 with weapon … on turn 5 and death. If any of you sees this as OK, then well … enjoy this mess.

I already got 2 threads locked for…trolling LOL. Trolling?! YOU are trolling me Blizzard, with 1 turn = death decks, not me.

Greetings KABAL#****,

Account Action: Silenced until 2024-01-06 01:20:05 UTC
Offense: Trolling


just quit the game…it’s the only way you are going to show them

I feel for you. I’m not a fan of OTKs, especially those that happen so soon. Unfortunately, the devs like the game this way and a lot of players seem to at least be okay playing it as well. The best you can do is either do what I did and set the game down for a while (I stopped playing Standard ~a month into rotation last year) or just drop the game completely.

I’m keeping my eyes on rotation this year and how everything plays out, but I have little to no faith we’ll ever back track in power level or how long games last because they want fast games.

A lot of other games out there to play in the mean time.

P.S. I’m not saying OTKs shouldn’t exist. I concede it is a strategy and deck type. They shouldn’t be removed from the game.

Dragon druid complaining. Bro, I do not feel sorry for you. You deserve all the losses you get.

I will agree that the game is utter trash now. I just had a match, at plat 2, against a reno Paladin. Could have fooled me other than the reno the played. You got your 3 mana legendary that copies all your cards and give them back to you later. You got that legendary that creates a mirage. You got Reno’s hero power which is incredibly broken. FRee 2 damage? 2 damage and a free spell? 2 damage and 4 armor? Oh, he’s got Ignis AND it gave him the best options for healing AND 8 armor?

This game is a !@#$%^& joke.

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Even that doesn’t matter to them.

Of course it doesn’t :))) but they will fire more people, they will eat less and developers who will value their life will stay away from Blizzard. And that is a win for everyone, but more for me , because I literally die laughing when someone from Blizzard get’s fired. It’s like Christmas for me when they announce lay offs at Blizzard, I giggle and put my hands together like a toddler.

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I knew that there will be someone saying this idiocricy.

“Dude” , that’s not the point of this post. Please learn to read. I am against 1 turn pathetic rng decks.

Is pathetically a joke.

Problem is not that many enjoy it, because I see A LOT more Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and finally russians ( yes, with a small S, just like they are ) players, especially in Arena, where in the past, I could barely see 1 here and there. I literally had matches where the first 3 or 4 ones, were vs Asian ones. This shows that the game lacks players from my region to play against, and it throws me with others from other regions.

This didn’t happen in the past, say 1-2 years ago. That is also why we see MANY “new” packs in the shop now vs few years ago, because they need to make the same ( if not more ) money but with less players around.

What? What are you trying to say here lol.

My new favorite OTK is the hunter one where they super buff a Rush / Cleave minion*, add Always a Bigger Jormungar to it, and over kill lethal you.

Like Hollow Hound, or Gargon.

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Can you really blame me? I’m sick of matching against this cancerous BS. If it isn’t the endless DK bots which always have the cards in hand or magically top deck them, its Treant druid.

Anyone can quote you and see that it’s

attention hearthstone is in total decline, the cancellation of duels is proof of this, I also understand the frustration of a post like this one you wrote but the situation is much worse than it seems

For the moderators: you can delete these free opinions of mine based on observation of what happens but I have multiple accounts both here and on reddit and other international forums, YT channels and various social networks, it is IMPOSSIBLE to stop me from giving my opinions on the terrible management of this project. I know you’re terrified that the truth will come out, but the truth always comes out

This game is the biggest piece of garbage I have ever seen and it’s a microsoft game. Personally I boycott Microsoft games, they are already the biggest trash (hearthstone) in their game catalog, it’s quite possible that you can have others so I don’t take the risk of buying other Microsoft games .

For Christmas I hesitated to buy an Xbox or a PlayStation and thanks to Hearthstone my choice was quick, I bought a PlayStation.