Your MMR system is trash

I’m a casual player. Played about 4 hours and already plat 5. Most are 1000 w/ golden heroes with meta decks and (some but not all) are decently skilled. I really don’t see a problem. The game still frustrates me at times, but the MMR system seems to be accurate. I’ve been legend 3 times so it makes sense that the game carried my past experience over, even after a 4 month break.

Nice cherry picking of what I said.

I guess you need to exclude the rest since it invalidates what you say.

Honestly I think the system is great. If your struggling to beat these people, then I think it’s safe to assume your MMR will eventually fall to place you against similar skill levels.

that would be worse. imagine you playing chess against Bobby Fischer…

im done. wild warlock 11 lose streak. thx hs devs :smiley: (20 chara)

I have found this to be the case. Initially I thought that the new system doesn’t adjust your MMR mid-season, but It appears that was a misinterpretation on my part. After going on a massive losing streak my opponents have gotten a bit easier and I’ve clawed my way up to Gold 10 which seems about right for a middling player like myself (I finished last season at rank 15).

And more important I’m having fun with ladder now, trying out different decks and figuring out how to counter the new class. Plus all the rewards you get along the way instead of having to wait til the end of the month are a nice addition.

Well, it might just be coincidence, but I conceded for about 45 minutes in a row, then went something like 20-2. I ranked up pretty quickly. Before tanking, I was winning maybe 1 out of 3 games at the lowest rank.

lol. Why didn’t I think of that!

You’re right! I did the test, I went to a new server with a total beginner (of course, mage-) deck :slight_smile: I did the first 5 introduction quests and then I started ranked games. The first 20 rounds I met a lot of Tempo Demon Hunters, Rezz Priest, galakrond warlock, etc etc… After 15 games (!!) I met the first (real) beginner, like me^^, and he played mage, of course. I’m talking about rank 40 (!!), the lowest rank in the game…
If I imagine a real beginner who has to do this experience, to be able to win every 15 rounds, imagine what a great and fair experience, lol… :slight_smile: Of course, this is B A L A N C E or a fair ranking system, lol! (yes yes I know, it were all old-returning player, or beginner who invested some $$, lool)

I have to say, for really new players, this game is h o r r i b l e.