Your MMR system is trash

You bring up a good point but… More experience/time = better cards and if their’s one thing that can win you games, it’s busted cards so it makes sense why Nisk is getting smacked. 80% chance of playing someone like this though… jeez ur unlucky as heck. Also there have been rumors of the game placing silvers and diamonds against one another so you never know :frowning:

We don’t see it because it isn’t the case.

Noise is something that is measurable, and the effects can be easily filtered out.

Just because you don’t understand or appreciate the statistical techniques involved, that does not mean there are none.


To an extent, yes, Mand… But you have seen the decks that I play, and I firmly believe, based on my experience, that whatever metric they were using for bonus stars (MMR). I think they screwed something up in the transition phase for lower ranked players tbh. It works pretty well for those in the higher ranks, but whatever rank modifier they used (again, my experience) for lower ranks appears to be WAY off.

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Wow okay. So I just tried the new season ladder for the 1st time and my initial impression is that it blows.

I like playing all sorts of weird T4 & T3 deck equivalents for fun and I’m finding it impossible to win at Bronze 10 which is the lowest possible rank. I just lost like 8 times in a row lol - constant stream of 1k heroes, t1 decks, and legend carbacks.

I have no problem using meta decks to hit between (previous) rank 5 - legend myself but is that all that the ladder is going to be now? Just meta decks or get out?

I mean I guess that’s okay but it feels like a downgrade compared to the previous ladder where you could use worse decks at lower ranks and still be viable enough to have fun.


I purposely stayed at the lower ranks because it was a lot more fun.

But I am having the same problem, meeting decks that I have absolutely no chance against and there is no way of avoiding those players now!

A lot of players who used to be very happy at rank 25-15 and really just played for fun, a pleasing way to kill 20 mins are going to quit HS after a few months of this c*ap.

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Man this is an exciting thread, I have a friend who hasn’t played in literal years, came back and has a bunch of dust and classic cards. He builds a good deck and flys threw the low ranks now hes not low rank anymore. Sometimes you play agisnt these people you had no chance of beating it happens. Its not the MMR thats at fault its just the player took some time off. Also because of wins he had he got a few 1000 win portraits 2 to be exact. I remember when i was a newer player which was years ago now, i felt like everyone spent so much money on the game and i could never compete. Years later i feel very different. This game takes a time investment to get stuff period. That time investment doesn’t equal skill but it does equal experience. People with experience usually make less mistakes than someone with none but someone with skill with usually topple the experienced player hands down. For the person using the workforce reference your also not getting the point that person who has been there for 5 years is expected to do everything better than you even if they cant, When it is shown that you have skills their experience cant match they become easily replaced.

Sure, but that’s a different question.

I don’t think it makes sense that my “rank 15 when I can be arsed to bother playing ranked” performance makes an 8-star bonus make sense. But the idea that a lucky winstreak can blast your MMR to a place where you get guaranteed losses forever is just as misguided as the “MMR/ELO hell” fantasy.

The math just doesn’t do that.

But people said with the current systems in place, you will be able to catch up fast to the players whos been playing for a long time.

Not really, lol. If I lose 90% of my games, it doesn’t matter how “experienced” I am. I’m not good.

When it comes to hearthstone, yeah.

If you want a job analogy, it’d be like mopping a floor. If someone’s been mopping for 5 years, yeah, he’s most likely not gonna be much, if any, better than the person that’s been doing it for 1 month. And hearthstone takes about the same level of intelligence required to mop a floor.

And to this guys point…I conceded for like 45 minutes straight, lol. I was playing against opponents with like full top tier meta decks. I couldn’t win even if I tried. After that, I started matching against opponents on my level.

Exactly. I’ve never lost so many times in a row to anti-fun losers playing exactly the counter to my deck. The same thing happened in the Tavern Brawl. Unbelievable that they thought this was an improvement.

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If you concede games without playing them, I wouldn’t be surprised if the algorithm says “this player is deliberately trying to lower their MMR, ignore this match“. That may be what they meant if they said you can’t “tank“ your MMR – it goes down if you actually lose, but it might not go down if you deliberately try to sabotage it.

Anyway, we’re only four days into the new system. I’ve got my star multiplier down to three, pretty soon I’ll be playing against my rank and I won’t be in MMR matches at all. If you’re that unhappy, wait a week and come back when things have mostly sorted, and maybe it’ll go better.

Believe me, if you play well, you can definitely beat top-tier meta decks. I know this because I play top tier meta decks and I lose all the time, because I am bad at this game.

My trick is, I enjoy the game even when I lose a lot. Try it that way!

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Well, like I said, I’ve been facing much easier opponents now.

Yes, when my opponent plays 2, 9 mana dragons on turn 7, that cost 0 mana each, I can easily win with basic cards. good point.

We all know how MMR works to the idiots who keep trying to explain it with their vague explanations of stats.
What I am saying is HOW the MMR works ignores experience or length of play or any factor besides wins makes it a poor system.

My initial experience was exactly that though. Now, full disclosure, yesterday after 3 games in “mmr hell” I did get back to the meta - and I use that term loosely, as it was a meme meta where I previously was - used to. Will have to see what happens in an hour or so when I log in, but the early experience was absolutely miserable for me, and I just hope that even if it does continue this season, that the MMR “tanking” threshold doesnt see me in the same position next season, which is definitely a possibility based on what we know about it atm.

A lot of claims are being made here. About some number/rating the evidence for which does not exist nor has yet been shown to exist.

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You sure? Because you still don’t seem to have any idea what you’re talking about


Someone with literally 100s of hours of practice and experience is the same as someone with maybe 2% of that experience.

It all depends on what you’re talking about. Someone can have thousands of hours of experience opening doorknobs but that doesn’t make them better at opening a door than someone who has spend one minute opening doors. On the other hand, someone with thousands of hours of experience flying an airplane would be far better at it than someone who has never flown an airplane in their life.

I would say that on the spectrum of human activities Hearthstone falls far more on the “doorknob” side of the equation than the “airplane” side.

now after several games i started to notice more off meta decks
im guessing the more competitive players climbed past me

true, i totally got 2100 wins before afk but now all opponents are regularly have 1000 wins hero rewards and even most golden decks :smiley:

good job mmr system :smiley: