Your life is really bad if you have to emote in this game

If you’re happy about emoting and beating people in this game, you live a horrible existence. That is all…carry on.


I miss the old days when emotes were taken literaly, and people wouldn’t be upset when you said “well played” because they assume they are being taunted
Also a strange concept that people would have a horrible existence by enjoying winning in a video game


::Other player explodes::

I’m sorry.

No really. Why do they have to make you explode?! Can’t we have a simple king tilt, like in chess?

I’m genuinely truly sorry!


::pounds ground::


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This reaction is the exact reason why I BM most of my wins. Thank you for the confirmation LOL


It’s funny how you edited this post once, and you still kept this language the way it is. Unless you meant to say I should feel bad for winning in a -checks notes- COMPETITIVE game.

For the record, in BGs, if you’re playing Beasts or Token Undead and I put you in your place so to say, I will emote you until the game stops me.

I truly feel even premium skins should have “Well Played” implemented in what they say or at least some sort of good sportsmanship slang. I think a lot of them do, but per their character, some CAN sound like something else.

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Upset about emotes in a pvp game?


I auto-mute everyone because I am tired of people BMing on a win. Like congrats you curved into a perfect hand, you’re so good.

**** off. Jesus people are obnoxious.

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:laughing: meh, I (and others in the discord I belong to) simply report those types as botters.

I think it’s either 50/50 or 60/40 of ratio of people who use emotes to troll to people who actually use emotes to tell you something like “gg” at the end of the game.

Not every person who uses emotes is a troll.

But, I will admit that the trolls make games nasty enough that it would be nice to fully turn emotes off in Options.

This is why auto squelch needs to be a thing.


getting triggered by some emotes means that you have a fragile ego.


lol you just proved why people keep doing it. They get to you.


This topic makes me laugh. I remember when there was an all out uproar by some snowflake individuals because the old “I’m sorry” emote hurt them so bad to hear. Personally I don’t get why people can’t scroll the mouse up and click squelch if they are so emotionally hurt by the only way to communicate to your opponent in this pvp game. Did you know there used to be pvp multiplayer games that had open messaging? I know; sounds crazy! Once in a while you would get some sour/butthurt individual message you something nasty; but usually they would say GG or something funny or even become your friend. The GM’s would usually give them a temporary chat ban. I personally use the emotes we have now because the different skins/hero’s offer some flavor and humor. Pirate Illidan’s in particular make me laugh. Please just lighten up and don’t sprain your gaming hand moving all the way up the screen with the mouse to squelch someone. I don’t want you to have to file for unemployment benefits because you strained yourself too much and can’t work anymore.


You know, it IS possible to use emotes for reasons other than trolling.

For example, an opponent was genuinely impressed by a move I played and said, “well played,” though I ended up beating them that game.

Not everybody is an expletivehole.

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Possible, yes. Likely…based on the demand for auto squelch and the sheer amount of people pointing out how toxic people are being in game with something as simple as emotes and friend requests, no.

Don’t get me wrong, I think they should still be in game…but people should have the option to perma toggle them off.

The other part of the problem is the enforcement is a joke, and the trolls know it: both in game and in the forums. Like so much else, actiblizz relies on bots (assuming it actually gets to them) and the real people just ignore it or rubber stamp it without any real consideration.

The only reason I find BM annoying is because I wonder if the BMer knows this is a card game where wins and losses are largely dictated by luck. Like sure you’re BMing me and winning this game but statistics dictate you’re likely to lose your next game… hope they have the same energy then.

what he said :slight_smile:

One does not follow the other? I mean I get you’re upset so what you say isn’t supposed to make sense but it’s okay, that’s why I’m/we’re here.

Cannot discount Blizzard not providing an auto-squelch in the game to immediately stop these things from occurring in the first place. They allow this abuse to continue when there is an easy to implement and viable solution, so they are equally at fault for each time this happens and whenever someone gets upset over it.

To the people saying to get a thicker skin: everyone is different and has different problems. It shouldn’t deny them playing the game because they perceive emotes as bullying. I’m sure you have faults of your own such as showing other people respect.

Nope I have no faults. You obviously have many!