You would have nerf two card from BSM

You would have to Nerf both surfalopod and Skyla to stop early tsunami play. The only other thing would be remove freeze it but would not make since original freezes.

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THose are fine.

Can we talk about Frosty Decor? Now that’s a bull crap card.

You leave my card alone, sir. Been playing with this bad boy since expansion release and everyone wrote it off. Such a great card for slowing down all the BS aggro stuff out there and the DK location decks.


It’s insane, though.

TWO four health taunts AND 8 armor for only five mana?


I’m pretty sick of armor gain anyway.


And when you DK hero power and death growl it’s 16 armor lol

Aggro loves it when you do that.

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That’s pretty much universally despised. If that’s how you want to play it, we need to make mining lock a thing again.

They aren’t going to stop the early tsunami plays, they are just going to make them slightly rarer so that the 51% win rate deck becomes a 48% win rate deck and vanished entirely.

My deck doesn’t even run Surfalopod, so they can nerf that all they want, it’d push people toward better mage lists anyway.

Yeah… That thing is kind of nuts.

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It really is.

It’s exactly how I wanted to play it.

If Mining Lock ever became a thing, I’d just play that then. It’s just another control deck.


I wish it was viable because it was so fun to be a vampire and just suck the health out of your opponents.

It was too strong at 10, but they over nerfed it.

I don’t think they “over nerfed” it, it’s just there isn’t a good cost for it that feels ok.

10 health is just 3 plays which was ridiculously easy to do. 8 health is just 4 plays which is still easy to do. They needed it to be 5 plays with 7 health which is now too slow.

4 times is too fast 5 times is too slow.
There’s no easy magic number when you’re dealing with 30 health.

However, if everyone had 40 health, then 10 health steal would have been perfect. Now 4 times is not too fast.

But I know how you feel about the 40 health thing, so we’re sort of stuck with 7 health steal.

By stats Skyla is the one outliner card, but I think what’s making BSM work is that there is just enough cards now that mage can jank something out with some consistency.

If opponent had good curve (and not a totally bad match up) though it’s not like it’s unbeatable.

Me being the meme deck player I mean somehow I won two games partly because I had a good curve, including turn 3 explodineer, the 2/4 that shuffles bombs in their deck :joy:

One game I buffed it with the lock +3/+3 from discovery of magic (he couldn’t kill it for like 4 turns, by the time got a tsunami off, I played a huddle up and that’s enough for me to win the face race)

The other game I copied it with the BOGO Freeze. His under the sea drew a bomb (and amusingly, the random 5 drop he got was surfopod :joy:). I ignored the pod and play incidius. Again eventually he gave up seeing that he’s likely to lose the face race :joy:

Holy crap, I agree completely with a Monsterparty OP. Someone go check the thermometer in Heck.

They need to bring parity to the game and put in more tribal cards like scargil. Mabye a 3 mana 7/7 battlecry “discover 3 (insert tribal type) from your deck, set their cost to 0 and give them battlecry deal 12 damage to random enemies”

That seems pretty balanced for the game today.

every class is allowed to be good except for mage

I don’t know what you people are smoking but, coin on turn 4 play Skyla play Tsunami, turn 5 Conman, turn 6 Conman. You might say this happens once in a full moon. Well as it seems, there were plenty of full moons lately and this is beyond powerful. No other class can reliably dish that much dmg and stats in such a way.
You might say that DH can kill you by turn 5 as well, but the difference is that once you repel their attack and clear their board, they are done. Mage is not.
Skyla is not the problem, its Skyla + Conman or King Tide + Conman or many coins + discounted Tsunami from WCA + Conman, etc. Basically all this mana cheat.
Surfalopod is fine as well… can be countered with a plague ffs…

if coins were not spells we would be fine

8 Would be fine, but it would be too aggressive for people who like to turtle and they would all cry.

You have to excavate four times to get the reward, then after one play, bounce it a couple times. I would think combos that require that many steps and cards would be fine, but here we are.

It’s such a terrible design fail, for real. It’s still 1/3 of wild decks and that’s just a problem.

I think the easiest would be to just revert the Tsunami back to 3 summoned Elementals and Skyla goes to 6.

I love it too. That and sleeping resident lol. I have a jank owlonius druid deck that uses Oaken summons to pull those cards out along other taunts. Really works like a charm. But Frosty Decor is so good.