You have skills you say? Why don't you prove it?

I’ve been reading through some of the threads over the past while, and often times have come across posts that tell the OP that they are a noob and lacking in skill, etc, etc. I actually found the intent in some of the replies, not all, just some, rather offensive to be quite honest and very misguided. What the lower ranking players lack is not always skill, but cards…plain and simple. They do not own the “broken and unbalanced” cards that to this day remain controversial in some of the forum posts. Odyn, Saergaras, and so on and so forth. I think anyone who has spent any amount of time here on the forums lately probably knows them by heart.
Now, I’m not trying to start any hostility here, just a friendly debate and a bit of banter, but I personally believe that a very large portion of high ranking players who claim to be skilled are fakes. They’re running these “broken and unbalanced” cards in decks that they looked up on the internet and copied from someone who probably is skilled, and they reach high ranks for no other reason than they happen to have been lucky enough to boost one or two ultra powerful cards. I’m guessing a good many of them are concerned only with winning and if you threaten to nerf their ace-in-the-hole they’ll threaten to hold their breath til they’re blue in the face while protestig vehemently against it.
But I digress…
So, here’s my proposition to you, oh owners of the most sick and powerful of decks, you say you have skill? Prove it. Don’t use the “broken and unbalanced” cards in your decks. See how far it gets you. I can guarantee you’ll gain a whole new perspective on the game when your getting your behind kicked because your opponent is using one obscenely powerful card that unbalances everything.
Or don’t, you have nothing to prove to anyone right?

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A person not having the in-game resources to craft these ‘unbalanced cards’ means that they don’t have good management of their resources.

I know I made an account for Badlands and if I were to dust the cards I got I would have 10000 dust and be able to craft almost any deck.

You are trying to bait people that really don’t care enough.
What is there to prove on a forums page, a person wants to prove something to someone they know not a stranger.

My advice, dust the classes you don’t play and make a good deck.
I know that’s what I am doing because some classes I don’t touch at all.

Dust my cards, EGADS MAN! Have you lost your mind! No, no, the collector in me will have none of that I’m afraid. Besides, I don’t have problems with my ranking, I always hit platinum at the very least.
I just strongly believe that in the current format, I play only standard btw, there are certain cards that are nothing short of Golden Tickets to legendary rank. Cards that, by merely being played, mean game over. Odyn is a great example. It doesn’t really take any insane amount of skill to just fill your deck with armor cards and survive until you draw him. Easy peasy lemon squeezy, welcome to legendary rank.

I own Odyn btw, but refuse to use him, I don’t feel right winning with him.

Some decks are braindead to play only when the opponent is actually playing braindeadly
Do what you said, fill a Odyn deck with only armor and toss your cards without caring of the game, you’ll get stopped once you face players that actually know how to manage their ressources and you waste yours braindeadly
Like in every game, various playstyles perform differently depending on your rank, and playing against lower level players allows you to do more errors before being punished
The history is full of decks getting nerfed because they were tier 1 up to plat/diamond but where barely tier 2 in upper ranks

(I am not denying the fact that you can still climb with these decks without thinking too much about it)

The only problem with this is that say a new player does dust their cards to craft one maybe two decks. Then the players complain of how overpowered certain cards/decks are; those cards get the nerf bat enough to make said crafted decks either useless, or higher chance of failure; those players are now stuck with them since dusting legendaries only rewards with 400 dust and cost 1600 to craft.

After a while, those new players will give up and leave the game because they’re not having fun getting OTK’ed or having their board cleared consistently.


What happens when all competition is done by people with those cards my dude? That’s the point. There are people with full decks stuck into low ranks. There are people with full decks into legend. There must be some difference between those players that decide which is which. Further, there are people with full decks in platinum, and in diamond, and in 6-1k legend, all playing with equally complete, broken, op decks.

Besides, you can just… play at low ranks. You play them on your way to platinum every time. If you can’t see people do EGREGIOUS mistakes there, i don’t know what to tell you.

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At my mmr I only encounter ppl with those “broken” cards.
I can stay up there, others cant.
So your logic is flawed.
Though I agree, if you lack top decks you got a problem but it has nothing to do with skill.

Oh an btw even top 5k is a bounch of fairly bad players, I myself do make grave mistakes in every 3rd-5th game that make me lose.
Afterwards you are always smarter…
Constant top 500 is where you find the truly skilled players.

I mean…it has long been known that grades in school are not indicative of intelligence but of ability to be obedient and follow instructions. So you’re right in that regard. Just because someone has “good grades” does not necessarily make them some authority to be listened to.