Yogg titan needs to be 25 mana

it is way too easy for the yogg titan to get onto the field, be copied, and then lock out any significant counterplay … both rogue and druid get way too much milage from this card

yogg titan needs to be like 25 mana or the titan abilities need to be limited to 1 use per game … the novelty of copying titans or bouncing them endlessly has gotten old … what’s the point of making the card a legendary if you can have 45 copies of it in your deck … might as well just open up the deck creation to that tavern brawl where you can just pick 2 or 3 cards and get 10 copies of each


Or just 9 or 10 mana and have no reduction when spells are used.


Dude, you’re a bronze, you must have a very low rank, you’ve never played against an expensive warlock deck! Are you crying for a yogg legend?? The warlock with 6 mana summons a 15/15 on the field and then activates the field to generate another 15/15 and you’re crying for a Yogg TITAN?? The problem is that your rank is low and you don’t know the appeals that the classes have!

The only person here that is Bronze is you, if you think that Yogg is not a problem.

you don’t know what you are talking about … i’m playing discard warlock in wild this month even after the nerfs (partly just to see how nerfed it actually is) and i just missed diamond 10 yesterday … this is the first time in like 3 years since i’ve decided to actually try to rank up … the biggest threat by far i’m finding is yogg rogue and yogg druid … and then after that the “normally” annoying standbys like quest mage … so you can throw shade all you want, i’m just telling it how it is … and i’d like you to please realize, i’m not whining because these decks seem to counter discard warlock … i was just complaining about discard warlock pre-nerf … but if something can nearly 100% win vs. what was a very broken deck that seems itself to be broken … and before anyone starts complaining about hypocrisy in playing discard warlock, i’m playing with 1 tiny knight and 0 chambers b/c i refuse to craft the cards and i won’t open any caverns pack and i’m still almost diamond with discard warlock for the first time in 3 years … so yeah, i’m going to point out that yogg druid/rogue is the new problem

Thank goodness for the game owner, you’re as insignificant as I am! So stay quiet, anyone who cries a lot is a child!

I left free because of the warlock discard deck and the Tony Druid deck, both decks are not fun to play… the warlock discard deck is still very strong, the game owner has to nerf this deck again!

i think i agree, but that just means that decks that beat it are likely even more broken, hence the op

Let me know if you want me to help you develop cards team 5.

The card just died… Blizzard killed the card!! I’ll get the dust for sure!!

i couldn’t do that to my yogg even if he is getting nerfed to oblivion … he helped get legend for the first time today, so at the very least he will always sit in my collection as a reminder of when barnes/yshaarj got me 1 game from legend oh so many years ago before that deck got nerfed too … also, there may still wind up being more honest ways to play with the card … i don’t hate the card design-wise, just the balance