Yogg-Saron, Hope's End needs a buff

The card has existed for so long, yet it keeps having the same issue since launch: It usually destroys it self after only a few spells. The point of the card is to throw a large cascade of spells chaotictly around, but it sort of counters the point of this if Yogg just kills himself instantly.

Of course, he should still be able to affect himself in a negative way (to stay true to the essence of the card), so I sugest making him Immune for the duration of him casting spells… This reduces the chance of him instantly dying, but still does not make him 100% safe due to board wipes or other effects that can take out Immune creatures.

I like Yogg very much, but I disagree. If Yogg wants to kill himself, so be it.

Another note: You cannot get random copies of Yogg if he is immune, since Yogg would not be targetable.


He can still kill himself with spells like Twisting nether, shadow word ruin etc.
He can also be copied by other effects like Echo of Mediev.

It just makes it a more rare occasion in both regards.

I had to double check yogg’s patch notes since I was sure they reverted the whole “stops when killed” thing. It’s still reverted in case anyone’s wondering.

I really don’t see the issue with yogg destroying himself. He’s just a 7/5, which isn’t great to begin with, and the chances of him summoning something aren’t horrendous or anything.



Been this way for some time now.

Though I will miss the fancy intro, then first cast is the self destruct. Made me lol every time.

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Why is my suggested improvement bad then?
He can still be removed, it just reduces the chances of this happening.

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why not make it so it cannot destroy itself?

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It’s less about the suggestion being bad and more about what reason is there to make this change in the first place.

Being destroyed was never an issue with yogg except when his battlecry was tied to his body. I’m not going to complain if this buff makes it to the game but his body being there at the end of the battlecry was never important aside from the aforementioned change

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Him being destroyed easily is an issue.

You spend most of the game building him up, just for him to “fizzlle” instantly after you play him. If a card requires a lot of setup, then it should be at least somewhat rewarding. the RNG is a big part of what makes him fun, but there should at least be a small modifyer to his RNG so that he does not just instalty die. My suggetion makes it so his self-desctrutive tendencies are more a rare occurance, not a given part of his ability.

This card is stupid and you have the nerve to ask for an up? She deserves a deletion you idiot and not an up.

The game is the worst trash of the millennium because of these kinds of cards.

I am curious why you think it is stupid and deseveres and deletion? Could you elaborate on why you think that?

Looking at the state of the game before coming here, have you seen the game balance?

For example the blood dk (control deck) which is humiliated by aggro decks, this is not normal.

This game is just big trash for brainless idiots who only know how to do one full face interaction.

And how does my suggested changes to Yogg-Saron increase this problem in your opinion? It is not a card often played in aggro decks.