Yogg need a nerf badly

The mana cost for it is too low I understand it supposed to be used as a removal card but they way it is being played now it can be played as early as turn 4 or 5 in some decks which basically just wins you the game.

Druid and rogue are the two best decks right now for Yogg and they are so broken that the only 2 decks in the meta are them. This whole xpac has been a cluster of epic proportions with so many broken decks.


if you lose a game to a turn 4 or 5 board clear from yogg youll lose because of any other board clear in the game

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It’s not a problem in Standard and its not really a problem in wild to be honest, at least not at the moment.

Yogg is fine. The RNG on him is the balancing factor. L2P. Yogg is probably one of the most balanced legendaries they put out in years.

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I think the gameplay experience is horrible. It sucks to see yogg played, taken back into hand and removing all your minions or keeping them to themselves. There is no fighting for board then.

I think there will be a nerf. Not a ban (never seen them ban a new card - except when that warlock quest came out - wild was a mess).

I played a miracle rogue deck in wild and managed about 10 yoggs in a game. I felt too over powered.

Blood DK, even warrior, bomb warrior, mill druid seem to counter it

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The RNG as in 1/3 abilities that you can choose not to go for

How is that a balancing factor when you can just not use the ability and go for the other (better) ones.

Yogg should get a restricted reduction. ‘Can’t cost less than (5)’ or a Mana increase. Probably 20 or … 25 if it becomes a complete outlier.

Of course that’s future talk. Yogg is not getting nerfed on the expansion it got released in, but still you can’t claim it’s ‘fine’ when it’s meta warping.

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