Year of dragon= year of aggro decks?

After the start of the year of dragon this game became horrible. So, this year will be only for aggro decks? Aggro deck are the strongest? Screw the balance? Is that so? Cause if it is, I will not play HS this year, and I think many players are agree with me.

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Meh. Its the year if the Autoplay decks like any other year.

Faced a Secret Mech Paladin this morning for the daily. Secrets and Silver hands and then the old Annoy O Module on 4. Magnetic Replicating Menace on 5. I can finally get rid of it. Mechano Egg on 6 yep. The Score is 30 health my opponent to 14 me. Wargear gets attached next, yep and all I can do is sit and watch. Well I can make a full board on 7 and hope for the best with brawl on 8? 8 comes along for my opponent and Leroy Jenkins with Blessing of Might to boot. Didnt even damage my opponent once.

Perfect Rock vs Scissors matchup.

And that’s all Hearthstone is. One player top decks and plays the synchronized layout while the other just sits and watches.

Luckily todays daily was play X amount of cards.

Sadly my computer is too old and slow for Total War 3 Kingdoms. Gorgeous game with rich gameplay. But it always crashes on mine. And when battles can last 60 minutes…


Its year of the dragon and most decks are rather midrange than pure aggro which is really nice


We’ve had an exciting year with new solo content, nerfs, buffs and consistent metagame shakeups. It isn’t just aggro - lots of midrange and control warrior was top dog for a while.

Did you watch grandmasters? Lol

All you ever do is post the same boring responses that read the same. “How dare my opponent have cards??”


yeah, but previous year I had kinda 40% chance to win against aggro decks. But now u dont have a chance. I am playing on rank 10, and all decks I am playing against are aggro decks. Except mech warrior, and that is only deck I have a chance to win against. Developers added to much strong aggro cards and and removed many strong mid-late cards. And it is just no fun to play aggro decks!

By the way I already tried three kingdoms and it is awesome. It is little bit hard to learn even for tw veterans like me, but it is still wonderful.

Funny. I took 4 straight wins on ladder, vs 3 aggro decks (token druid, murlocs, hunter) and 1 warrior deck, this morning.

The deck? Mage - a class that’s supposedly ‘unable to beat aggro’ / ‘gets countered by aggressive decks’.

If you don’t enjoy the game, you don’t have to play it. There are tools to fend off aggressive strategies. It’s your choice to use / not use them. Speaking of this as some form of universal truth is wrong, when there’s clearly been players who’ve succeeded where you have not.

Maybe it’s the player, y’know. Harsh, but true at times.

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Cant agree with you. All cards that my opponents use are hardly more expensive than 4 mana

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Low mana cost does not equal ‘ONLY USED FOR AGGRO!’.


This is a pretty random thing to say

Of course, u can always blame the player. But the thing is, that the problems with aggro deck started only after year change. I dont say that I am against aggro decks generally, no, in opposite, they are nessesary in this game. But when they are too strong it is just not fun.

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People are complaining about aggro decks all year long, every year.

Don’t be ridiculous. There’s a saying “aggro will find a way”, and it’s not untrue at all.


lol, yes it is. What else is aggro deck if not cheap cards?

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Dat agro cyclone mage tho.

Actually, you’re right. Last year was disgusting - it was a game of wack a mole with any deck that could play an aggressive or combo game plan. It felt like every deck was a hyper control deck with a super late game combo and combo control versus combo control is one of the most depressing mirror match-ups in Hearthstone.

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Change your icon, Beaky, I’m not used to seeing your intelligent commentary combined with a cute pengwing.

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Aggro decks are about efficiency and tempo. Neither of those is strictly contained into ‘low mana cost’.


With a title like that, don’t you mean “year of the brainless SmOrc”? Kekekekek

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For the game to stay healthy, all archetypes must be viable. Yes, even aggro.

If the aggro archetype dies, then we will have only OTK combo decks and hyper-control decks. I believe that a heavily aggro dominated meta is equally boring and repulsive as a heavy combo dominated or a heavy control one.

Variety is the key. If they achieve variety, then balance is great. Aggro dominance is as boring as control dominance if you have no variety.


It’s the first expansion of the year. Control is naturally going to be weaker after losing a year’s worth of tools. This is particularly true given that the tools Control lost were Year of the Mammoth cards, which were ridiculously powerful. I wouldn’t worry about the whole Standard year being forever aggro-focused just yet.

totally agreed with u. That what I am talking about. There should be balance so that everyone have fun playing the game.

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Which is kind of where we are now with decks like bomb warrior, hand mage, control warrior and control shaman offering a fairly robust control line-up and cyclone mage and miracle priest offering the beginnings of a combo line-up.

We’re still lacking for true aggro decks - we mostly have aggressive midrange decks like beast hunter, but it’s a start.