WTF! Mages noticing that Magister Dawngrasp RNG is screwed!?

has anyone noticed that when you summon Magister Dawngrasp that the RNG tends to hit your own hero more than 50% of the time? I’ve been noticing a pattern even when the opponent has 1 or many minions on the board. why would they make it such a negative RNG?

Even when the opponent has had minions on the board it seems that magister always hits me with a fireball even though I’m the one that cast’ her

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but thats probably has something to do with me never playing any spells able to target face until AFTER i played magister


What Boreas said. The trick to RNG is learning how to control it. For instance, you’ll never fireball your own face if you don’t play fireballs before playing Varden. Your own minions are safe from brain freeze that way, too.

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What I’ve really noticed is how bad Rune of the Archmage functions.

“Cast 20 mana worth of Mage spells at enemies.”

Then proceeds to cast 2 secrets, 2 Arcane Intels, 1 Flamestrike and 1 Primordial Stud.


not bad, that’s actually a pretty good outcome.

Remember that “target enemies if possible” is there to not screw you; not to guarantee face damage :joy:

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thanks for the advice

so ? none of these cards can damage your face

please clarify @Boreas… not sure what you were trying to say

The point is that those spells can’t backfire.

While rune doesn’t say “of possible” it’s implied based on other similar effects. In addition, Team 5 has stated it works as intended and the truncation is for space purposes. They prefer shorter descriptions wherever possible. I agree that it’s confusing but that should only happen once per player. After that you know what’s up.

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That’s not what it says though. There’s no “If possible” on it. Just the words “Cast 20 mana worth of Mage spells at enemies.”

Oh, and it is still showing me their secrets when cast with RotA. I get that it won’t be all face damage, hence things like Flamestrike. I suppose you could argue that Counterspell and Ice Block sort of fit. Arcane Intellect and Primordial Studies don’t at all.

Considering the number of spells Mage has that target enemies, this is something that should be fixed. I can count ~20 spells that would qualify based on the wording.

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Space purposes? I think they are just covering for lack of forethought. There are cards with much more wording on them to describe their function. RotA has plenty of empty space in the wording panel.

Just as examples.

• Rune of the Archmage: 38 characters + spaces
• Defias Cannoneer: 52+
• Primordial Studies: 51+
• Devouring Swarm: 70+

I’ve always played by the common rule (in most TCG’s/CCG’s) of “When all else fails, do what the card says” not “When all else fails, assume what the card should say.”


I agree. But thay won’t probably change it so we may as well chalk it up to experience and learn for the future. Kinda like most of life. :blush:

It seems like every single time Magister casts runed orb he hits me regardless if the opponent has minions or not.

A) if he does it’s coincidence.

B) if he doesn’t it’s confirmation bias

C) either way it should be a lesson in not using magister and ruined orb together. :blush:

Why would DawnGrasp not at least target enemies ‘if possible’ like rune of archmage? It’s already a weak hero card and when it hits your own board it really
Feels pointless and infuriating for Mage.
Often you had to use your target spells to survive to get to DawnGrasp turn…

Ok, deleted first post because I noticed this was a post from last year, but I’ll say something similar to what I deleted: I came back about a couple weeks ago, copied the Blizz in-game deck because I was away for like 2+ years, and even “I” realized within a couple days this was a pretty crappy card. Someone actually lost to me today (I’m a mage as well) because they played this card, at their own hands. Pretty crappy, but I’ll take wins where I can get them right now!

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Either way, Dawngrasp is pretty broken at 7 mana. Because it can cast so many good spells and all at a cost of only 7. Imagine casting the 10 mana summon 2 dragons spell, using only 7 mana. This is a bit too good. Maybe not much of a problem in this meta, but it may become problematic as soon as mage gets more support.

Preventively, if I was a developer, I would up its cost to 9 or maybe 10.

The unbridled truth of the matter is that the game (and card designers) completely messed up on this one and you all helped them cover it up. Let me explain.

Magister Dawngrasp read:
Battlecry: Recast a spell from each spell school you’ve cast this game.

Does that description mention anything about randomness? NO.

When I cast Runed Orb (easiest example) in a typical match do I EVER cast it on myself as a Mage (intended class use)? NO.

[Runed Orb: Deal 2 damage (Target unspecified, can be a minion or a character aka player), Discover a spell (not important to this example).]

So why is it that it hits me EVER when there is ALWAYS a viable target in the form of an enemy hero and I did cast it before casting Magister Dawngrasp?

Because it’s a lazy design. This should never occur. When I as a player would not make this choice the game should not make this choice for me. I noticed players making a myriad of excuses why this should happen and why it makes sense, but it doesn’t. There is no logical reason for this to occur, especially when you follow the wording on both cards and none of them mention a random outcome and yet it happens.

I don’t care about some secret underlying code affecting this or how many ‘good spells’ you can cast with a 7 cost card. Point of the matter is, if it’s not specifically stated in the card text [instruction] then it is counter intuitive to expect a different result [aka bad design].

To players reading this - Stop being fanboys, call it out as it is, make designers accountable, stop making excuses for bad design.

To the designers reading this - stop relying on players to sort out your bad design decisions and mistakes for you, take responsibility. Fix the issue [remove the card, reword the card]. Make the game better by actively engaging with the audience and their constructive feedback. I can’t imagine how this was not noticed during testing and yet it persists. Some things might fall through the cracks, I understand I’m a game designer myself, but do not be blind to the problem and keep on thinking ‘we’ll fix it next expansion’. It’s a slippery slope and it’s one of the reasons why I took 2 years off from the game came back and noticed nothing has changed. Have some integrity, from one designer to another.

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