Wow! Bomb Warrior in Casual!

Casual works by mmr, so as long as you ONLY play memes, you will be faced with appropriately matched opponents regardless of deck, because to be at that mmr, they must be significantly misplaying with tier 1 decks.

Well youā€™re either playing the game or youā€™re roping and doing something else instead of playing. If you have to leave the house in an hour or whatever, multitasking isnā€™t exactly going to help that lol.

Or they could implement a functional casual mode that matches players based on deck strength so people can play whatever the hell they want without having to worry about their hidden MMR.

There are many games have modes that donā€™t require you to play around their matchmaking to actually be paired with other people playing casually. There are games with global chats so you can actually talk to people and set up casual matches without having to resort to out-of-game means of communication. Iā€™m not asking them to end world hunger, itā€™s completely normal stuff thatā€™s been in videogames for ages.

Warrior needs to be nerfed plain and simple. I dont know why blizzard refuses to do it but it does. Dr. Boom Mad Genius is just the most ridiculous card in standard right now and should not be here. They should have either taken out ALL hero cards or left them all in.

or they could just remove any gold gains from casual so we can do our quests in peace there instead of facing players who think theyā€™re top 10 legend

If you donā€™t want to face meta decks in casual, then just concede. There is a gold cap and the sooner they get their gold, the sooner they will be gone.

sure, how long does it take to get 30 wins? a whole day? seems fun to concede that many games
i really donā€™t get the point of playing t1 decks in casual, if they were top 1 legend and affraid to lose ranks, why not but most of them canā€™t even reach the dumpster

Less than a day if players would stop dragging out matches they claim are miserable/unfair.

even 4h for 100 golds (=1,50ā‚¬/$) is ridiculous, i have no idea how you can farm golds

I typically donā€™t - I get sick of ladder and play a Dragon Priest/Mindblast that isnā€™t ladder worthy (Iā€™ve tried on a few occasions) because Iā€™m missing a few cards to make it ladder worthy.

So I get sick of ladder and play it in Casual.

I started playing some Wild Casual for fun. I have played off and on today and havenā€™t encountered a single bomb warrior.
Maybe it can still be fun.

Iā€™ve seen a few in Wild ladder but not in Wild casual.

If you want some friendly, wild fun, Gwyneth#11119 NA

Iā€™ll be logging on after I finish this coffee.

Or maybe theyā€™re trying out a tweak and donā€™t want to risk their ranking on it.

Iā€™d fully support a banned card mode where meta decks would be severely hampered and homebrews could run free and flourish, but it would just create an alternative meta, not a less stable one.

Not that i care if you play a meta deck in casual but why would that matter? Ladder doesnā€™t mean anything any more.

I mean, I wouldnā€™t, cause I donā€™t generally have a problem hitting a rank floor, and I find trying out things there more fun (I also like giving the occasional free level up out to someone who is the rank below me).

But some people struggle between 20-15 and every win counts for them. Especially if they donā€™t play a ton.