Wow! Bomb Warrior in Casual!

I just concede against warriors in casual. I’m okay with losing 10 seconds and them getting a free win if that means I will somewhat enjoy my match. /shrugs


Quoted for emphasis:

And the game only rewards “Not Winning” if you have a quest that doesn’t need you to win.

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Yep. Auto-concede against Warriors right now feels so good.
My game experience has gotten a lot more enjoyable.

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why is this such a big deal

is casual mode so no losing stars for conceding if you dont like playing agaisnt a deck no penalties

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Wild Casual

When Im bored with the meta I go to Wild Casual to play my Academic Espionage Rogue. My Priest opponent plays Barnes… concede. My Pally opponent plays Baku… concede.

No harm, no foul. Move on to the next opponent who wants to meme with me.


Could’ve just be trying out the deck. Or misclicked.

It’s one game, calm down.

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I would bet literally everything I own that you can’t logically explain your own thought process here. Why do you think casual players = players who only play bad decks?

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The same could be said for ladder considering it’s not used for anything other than some dust and a card back each month.

They could’ve added or removed cards to see how it works without losing stars so they’re using Play mode as a test.

I accidentally queued my mech Hunter into casual earlier. You think I’m gonna auto concede because the deck too stronk?

In addition anytime I change some cards out I’m gonna try it in casual so I don’t lose stars, see how it feels.

Perfect example turned mech paladin into a Highlander deck.

Changing cards like wargear into missile launcher, mechano egg into mechanical whelp don’t change much, plenty of viable mech subs currently.

But I still played several matches I’m casual just to get used to it.

That’s probably less of an issue though, the only reason mech paladin is good is because priest is bad.

If three viable classes existed that ran the cards to ruin your day by default, mech paladin would never see play

I like to play casual to try off the wall decks that don’t have much chance of winning to start with. I’m not upset with losing. I’m upset with the lack of creativity in this game!

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First you need multiple equally strong cards and synergies (meta worthy level) to try to build a deck.

Usually it means several strong synergies and then its done because there isnt anything else even remotely close in power level and reliability thus its kinda impossible to build a new unique strong deck.
Just check how many new meta decks are arising every day…

Tell me, o masterful deckbuilder, how do I make a Handbuff Warlock deck that can compete with top tier netdecks? Because I would really like to know.
Not all archetypes are created equal and there’s absolutely no way to make some of them work on even a semi-competitve level.
If your goal is building powerful decks there’s a game mode for you: It’s called ranked.

Expecting people in casual mode to play casually instead of being as compettive as they are in ranked is not being a loser.
When you’re playing TCGs in real life people don’t call you a loser when you tell them you’re playing a fun deck and don’t want to get stomped by a competitive one.
When you’re playing miniature wargames people don’t call you a loser because you don’t want to face a fotm list with your “just for fun” army.
When you’re casually playing a fighting game with friends and some guy decides to play an S-Tier fighter while his opponent is playing a joke character and then goes “heh I guess you weren’t skilled enough” can you guess who’s the real loser?

You can close your eyes and deny reality as much as you want but the truth is that Hearthstone does not have an actual casual mode.

Should have played Dota 2. It might have the worst community ever but at least people there know how to have fun in casual.

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I’d rather rope out each turn, and cook a good meal while doing stuff. Let them enjoy their 40-minute games they so desperately wish for.

Probably true. Even in normals everyone thinks they’re the next Faker and it’s just their team holding them back. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I value my own playtime a lot more than “punishing” others.


Then you need to adjust your expectations to match your decks performance.

If you want to control how other people play, play with a friend.


It’s not out of your play time unless you can’t multi-task.

Or, and hear me out on this one, or the devs could implement a functional casual mode.
If MTGA has a working Deck Strength matchmaking then so can Hearthstone.


Because Ranked is 4-5 decks on repeat at any given time.
If in Casual you also only see those decks, the game becomes very boring and repetitive very fast.

I also find that variety and originality took a nosedive since I started the game with the Old Gods. I can clearly remember that when I started (and 1-2 expansions going forward) there was way more people trying wonky combos and giving non-competitve cards a go.

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