Wow! Bomb Warrior in Casual!

How lame do you have to be to play bomb warrior?
Then how lame do you have to be to play it in casual with bomb warrior?


Sorry, my girlfriend wanted to try playing a game.


I play casual most of the time and I only see the same ladder decks.
Casual is only in the context that you don’t gain/lose stars and that’s it.


There is no such thing as casual mode. A common complaint since the game was created.

But this forces people to buy cards so you dont get shellacked every time in casual, aka the stomping grounds. Tier 1 decks farming gold off of folks with smaller libraries and game experience.

Arena is the games only hope. But Arena doesn’t offer much escape from the standard meta.

I did because my packs gave me every single card to play the archetype.
The problem is that there are certain cards that are auto-included which kills variety. I would love to play a genuinly interesting bomb warrior but the whole style is very boring unfortunately.

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Casual uses mmr, so unless you are a sub 50 rank player, you should be matched with people of equal skill.

That or you mix and match your own netdecks which get you higher mmr, and then you play garbage homebrews like silence Paladin and then are surprised that your lack of deck building skills gets you loss after loss.

There is a casual mode. What you want is a loser mode.


what i want is to not play the same deck every time. i played bomb warrior 4 times in a row on casual. loser mode sounds more your speed.


Who still plays casual its basiclly same decks so no real reason to play it over ladder. Or do you still believe casual is a place for new players you can hopefully grind for easy wins? If thats the case you deserve to face meta decks 24/7.

For me personally I play on ladder all the time, I don’t even get why they still have Casual in the game seems like a waste. We got an excellent break point system on ladder now so you can just play to your next break point than try whatever decks out.

And for the record when testing new decks you should want to face meta decks because well thats what the deck will be facing if you decide to push with it and you need to know if its good against the meta or not.


Wild Casual - encountered a Bomb Warrior in wild casual for the first time today. I lost though because I drew my two mind blasts and all my draw was at the bottom of my deck. In hindsight, I should have used another scream but I was waiting for Dr. Boom to come online.

Either they had it or they didn’t draw it: 4 points away from lethal because of stupid armor with Malygos, Vargoth for 3 mindblasts.

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You sound proud to spend tons of money and copy other people’s decks. good for you

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I don’t really understand why people think that the players shouldn’t play meta decks in casual. Maybe they like to play a mode without rank pressure and want to win so what is the problem?


They want participation trophies and everyone is a winner mode.


Aren’t the people net decking in casual the participation trophy crowd? They’re basically refusing to play their optimized competitive decks in the ranked mode because “waaah, I might lose a star!”

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I can tell you I have seen many bomb warriors in wild casual as well.
They have access to that mech that puts a 10 dmg bomb in your opponent’s deck.

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People don’t like to lose, this isn’t really news. When I play normals in League of Legends I still run into as many sweaty tryhards as I would in Ranked. shrug

Learn too read, seriously. Seems like I hit a nerve somewhere with my post.

I never said anything about what decks I’m playing or not, and I never said anything about how much I spent on the game and not. For the record I havent spent a dime on this game for the last three years except time. I bought a 50 pack preorder once. And I mostly play my own decks even if they tend to share quite alot of cards with the more popular decks. Since well some cards are too good not to have in your decks.

Anyone who exclusively plays netdecks or memes in casual and complains about what other people choose to play is being unreasonable. Is it frustrating sometimes, sure. But just like the whales and F2P need each other, so do the memes and netdecks.

If people only played memes in casual, it would be impossible to gauge the performance of a deck you’ve created and tried to refine. If all you face are hakkar shamans then you aren’t going to be making a very decent deck if you are tuning it to what you are playing against.

If you only play netdecks in casual, then like you say why not just play standard? Unless people are practicing a deck they have never played before.

You can’t expect there to be a mode where blizzard feeds you noobs that any homebrew deck can get a few wins from.

The fact that it is mmr based means one should NOT play their best decks in casual. For example, if I did, I would be facing legend opponents when I switched to plot twist warlock or something like that.


Is it any better than a conjurer mage or a mech paladin or a Murloc shaman in casual? Win enough games and casual becomes ranked with no stars. Stop complaining and concede if you don’t want to play the game. There’s no penalty after all.

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Playing this game is a penalty.


You think people with smaller card collections can afford to play arena?