Would it be too much to ask?

Is it just me or do some of the classes not have any viable decks in wild?

Like for example as rogue the best deck I can seemingly make is a crystal core deck where there are only 2 minions that work amazingly well with it. The 1 cost pirate, and the 2 cost gives you rams minion. But if you can’t draw either to save your life you are almost certainly going to lose especially if you get a zerging opponent.

Like one of the things that has endlessly frustrated me about this game is how your opponent doesn’t win, sometimes your deck just screws you.

It’s one thing if you’re going Tavosh spell hunter and your opponent is the deathrattle quest priest and he just gets nothing but deathrattle cards from his deck and out heals you effectively. It’s a whole other thing when it’s you know this Mecha’Thun deck would work if, but if isn’t guarenteed.

Like why add cards like that to the game and not something else?

This has been my biggest problem to ranking in wild. There are always a few classes that seem to be the hot class for this expansion, and then the rest of the classes don’t have as many options. Demon Hunter is just garbage right now and Warlock seems to be it right now.

In wild every class has several viable decks

Demon hunter is most definitely not garbage

Warlock is definitely oppressive but they sorta always have been

Blizzard have a habit with some classes of starting an idea and not continuing on over multiple expansions.

For that class and idea there probably is not a viable deck.

I do not think its worth the effort to fix all of these non-viable decks, as there are successful decks that can be used.