Worth playing? Havent played in months

Stopped in the middle of march of the lich king. Didnt get the miniset for it
Nor, the latest expansion and the newest mini set?

Any fun still?

at the moment you will find a game that is totally controlled by blizzard, your every game is 90% decided before the start and your every gold is absorbed through a system of algorithms able to choose exactly the right opponent (who pays more than you ) which in the long term will cause you to lose gold, if instead you spend a lot there are other algorithms which, by acting on your propensity to spend, will push you to spend more and more (decks that you don’t have and that you meet that will always win you by making you want other cards than do you have etc.)


You’re not missing anything fun right now. I would recommend literally anything else.

Battlegrounds is decent toilet time wasting, but standard ranked is pretty trash.


Damn. Thats depressing. I always HS because it feels like chess. To out think your opponent. But seeing priests draw every card by turn 3 and OTK in standard, doesnt look fun lol

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Isn’t hs the least like chess of all ccgs though? Its main feature is how random it is, which is very unlike chess (and very unlike other ccgs for that matter).

Not really, RNG decided 99% of the games and discovery and armor is out of control. Devs have literally no clue how to balance and proved that with the last balance patch.

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No, but I hope the dev’s and their families get exactly what comes to my mouth every time I think about hearthstone …

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I think the game is not controlled in 90%… only 50%… like it was before… Thats how they keep your win rate about 50% (Other players needs to go up as well you know…) but if you are good enough the MM lets you rank up just like before. If you make one mistake, you can find yourself in the last sured rank with 0 stars… like before… I can say that after a hard month when managed to get back all of my bonus stars and finished in D5 again (from G5 because I have lost 3 bonus stars in the last 4 months one by one) atlast. Didn’t need aggro or DK deck for it… not even a meta deck… so I can give you only one advice, play only if you are enjoy it really, learn to beat the meta, learn from your mistakes and then you will rank up… just like before. :slight_smile:

Not, the game is just as broken and buggy, if not more than it has been the past few years. Save your money, time and sanity for something worth while. HS isn’t it.


So havent played but saw that Titans has been fun. Wanted to give it another go. and two things. 1) Holy crap, there are so omany bots its insane. 2) Hallow Hound is a such a BS card lol
Titans has been fun though

Depends on which class or style you like. 2-3 are meta no brain 75% wins so if that sounds good, go for it. RNG plays the other 25%.

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