Worst nerf patch ever

yeah ty for nerfing terran shaman , but what about dungar druid, grunter hunter , and weapon rogue? so blizzard wanna make us to play new cards but without nerfing the old cards. what a smart decision , blizzard!

I actually think it IS smart

This way, they get to keep people like me who are slow to pick up new decks

You can still pick up Terran Shaman and bully every deck, more or less, and that’s a new deck with new cards

I’m pretty sure they lose a lot more who just get bored of seeing and playing the same stuff. By far my favorite deck to play this expansion has been some iteration of Big Priest. Either my older meme homebrew or the newer protoss deck. I wish I could actually play them but they simply suck.

I’m in favor of nerfing less and buffing more.

Worst nerf was the Sorcerer’s Apprentice nerf in 30.2.2. It caused me to quit and start deleting my collection.

If you liked that patch. Wait till the one a week before rotation when they revert all the previous nerfs to the rotating cards.

Can’t say anything against this, I’d also like to see them at least try that path for real (and not just before new expansions hit when the game becomes worse than Wild)

And I’m pretty sure they do not, or else one of the following would have occured by now:

a) game dying, or
b) them realizing it’s a mistake and switching tactics.

And there’s also that subjective experience of enjoying every meta because I can always find something worth trying, and if not, doesn’t matter, because I can just pick up an old deck and lose only 2-3% winrate on it

I know it’s not readily acceptable to all. Probably not even understandable. But I also know this works better for sure. How many people can you find who have left precisely because they’re sick and tired of facing old decks?

They might quote that as their main reason, but I’m sure with a little bit of digging through their posts we could easily prove that it’s not.

The logic is clear: if a deck is broken, it needs to get nerfed. If it’s not broken, it allows counterplay, hence, old or new, it doesn’t matter. It’s balanced and the cards are legal. It’s good to go! Besides, at least against old decks you already know what to expect and how to play against them, so surely it’s not as tilting as facing 40% of broken infinite shamans.

Myself lol. It’s literally the reason I quit Standard 100% of the times. My Standard cycle is:

New content → play 1 month or 2 maximum → meta settled → get bored → play Bgs or quit.

The only thing upsetting that cycle is interesting balance patches that buff things I want to play. I’m pretty sure I’m not alone but maybe I’m a minority idk. I sure think this game doesn’t need balance. It just gets boring fairly easily.

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But, can we really translate “get bored” into “quit until new content comes out because I’m sick of facing and playing same decks all over again”?

I admit that people like that definitely exist, but are you that type?

Or is it more like… “get bored” = “I’ve already tried all the fun decks and combos I could think of, and I’m not competitive enough to play for other reasons, so I’ll rather play other modes of the same game until new, fun content comes”?

You don’t even quit the game. You just quit the game mode. I might be nitpicking, or I might be totally false in some step of my thinking process, but to me it sounds like you’re not the proof of your statement you think you are.

This is accurate, with the only caveat being that I am competitive enough to tryhard a little as long I don’t find the game boring. And for the past couple years I have been finding it boring more and more quickly after new content arrives.

Regardless, it’s kinda the similar thing isn’t it? What bores me is facing the same stuff and being forced into decks I am bored with for long periods of time because they fail to introduce decent shake-ups often enough to keep my interest. There are tons of cards and archetypes that interest me and never see competitive play ever because they just give up on them. And it’s dumb. Why print 100s of cards and then be content with the fact only 60% ever see play. That’s 40% of content they could leverage to keep my attention. I just don’t understand.


True, yeah, that annoys me, too.

Well, I think I can answer this part.

1st part of the reason is that no matter how good the design of your cards is, some of them will still be better than the others, and naturally assume their rank on the “playability” scale.

And the 2nd one is, even if it wasn’t the case, you’d still want to make it like this precisely to make people love the good cards MORE than they normally would, if they weren’t previously “anchored” with the sight of bad cards. It’s the contrast between the good and the bad that makes the good cards look better than they actually are.

In other words, something’s gotta give.

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They need to buff protoss way more but I am not sure how to make them as good as Zerg and terran without being way overpowered.

Altair spends 12 hours of the day playing Hearthstone, and the 12 trying to bully people to play Hearthstone.

Leave people alone: let hem play BGs.

This was not a nerf patch… this was a “We did something but we didn’t do anything really” patch just tried to remove infinity from Fizzle and limit Shaffar.


I also work 8 hours per day, 6 days per week and got a girlfriend

Makes you think what the hell is wrong with everyone else, doesn’t it

all you play is the same decks over an over its the nature of the beast people get deck recipes online and make decks till they stop posting their decks there will only be the pro’s who are creative the rest of the players are mindless drones following the leader

Not neccessarily

I do make my own decks from time to time, but it always ends the same - none of them can bring me as far as a netdeck can

So if you have fun by building decks, you will be building decks, but you won’t be hitting your peak rank, and if you have fun by playing competetively, then yeah, you’re not gonna be building decks, only adapting the netdecks to suit your playstyle more

It’s really nothing you can judge people for. If anything, if you judge me for being more competitive than you are, I might as well judge you for not being competitive enough. One might even go a step further and call you a “loser” or a “quitter” or “not male enough”.

Not that I would do that, but that’s how things work.

They didn’t nerf Terran shaman. They nerfed Fizzle (which was played in the mediocre version of the deck). Terran Shaman is still the best deck in the format with a 57% winrate in diamond through legend.

Dungar Druid is 51.2% and Weapon Rogue 50.4%.

The mediocre version of the deck had 2% higher winrate than the currently best version in top 1k xDD

But the rest of your post is correct, so pardon my intrusion

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do you just copy paste this into every thread??

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Wife, kids, work a lot also and manage to play a lot while being physically active a lot. Hrmmmmm guess we rare breeds

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