Worst Meta in years

Last Meta was one of the better ones in my opinion, this one is one of the WORST.


I would say this meta as almoast the same like the previous one before… but even worse by created Wheel of Death, and OP DH, Priest Dragon… and now Rogues also start it. The rest is just as unfair like it was before… Reno, Yogy, Brann, DK, OTK, Tentacles… the usual 10 year old kids can play it too decks… it is just pathetic how dumb the game become. Paladin aggro was also more unfair then before, but they already killed that one. EDIT: Lol, this is my 666th post… I think it is over… there is nothing more to say.

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Every expansion has this topic
“Last meta was the best.
New meta is the worst.”
What exactly changed so drastically this time again ? Enlighten us.

Last meta was DK vs DK vs War - how come could it be called a healthy meta?

This is true that right now we see numerous weird things working at the same time but we could easily count more then just 3 decks from 2 classes so even that pace of the game is quick this is still not as bad as it was.

Shaman, DH, Priests and even some of the Rogues now, OTK in turn 6.
If this is what Blizzard wanted, they can die in the fires of hell for all i care.

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There is absolutely no thinking needed anymore. Just spam OP cards brainlessly and hope the match is rigged in your favour. (If the match is rigged against you, it doesn’t matter what you do, Blizzard’s fake rng will kill you anyway.)