Without randomness, there is no point in adjusting balance

The introduction to Cool Weizbanh is: Randomly play with a set of Weizbanh cards. But what about reality? The first deck of cards differs by a factor of 10 from the lowest deck, and the second deck of cards differs by a factor of 10 from the second bottom deck. Is that “random”?

Including the matching mechanism that I have always hated, I play thieves to match priests, play warriors to match dk, today with priests to play brawl, 3 games to match 2 games warriors. Do I have to lose? The previous chaos is also, choose 10 cards to form a set of cards, I can not play the mage has been matched to the mage, but I changed a secret card for the mage, the mage player collective offline, I did not match to the mage.

I have been a player for 6 years, and in 2018 I reacted to the problem of matching mechanism because I had been matching a player of a class. In 2024, this is still the case, which is somewhat disappointing.