Change the description of the game on the website from Strategy card game to Action card game! Because killing your opponent in 5 rounds or discover Board clears, and even removers (which were one of the worst idea ever because just “removing” minions from the game makes it just too easy for the enemy to win. In the normal system enemies had to face everything… couldn’t just remove it without consecuences and it should be like that now as well… don’t create removers again… even mass silence was better than these removers… Reno, Reska, Yogy, Priest Titan, Warlock Titan… all of them are huge mistakes in my opinion. The game has enough board clears… no need for such removers at all.) until he runs out of gas… is not strategy… these are simply over power and RNG… This game has nothing to do with strategy now… You are just in a race with your opponent who manage to get more resources out of it’s deck faster and kill the other one… Wake up please, you are still killing this game! Who’s idea was that Saftey Google cards for example… no one could realize how unfair it is? Warrior already have more than 15 armor in round 3 for the love of god… while the max HP is 30… They have nothing to worry about, just gathering AOE until start to run out of armor… and this is just one example… I am a paladin only player with more than 8000 wins now so believe me I know a few things about the game… One thing is clear… the game was much more balanced when I returned about 4 years ago into the game… Since that time more and more nonsense and unfair mechaincs appeared… What happened? New developer team came who has no idea about this game… or the old ones burned out? I just can’t understand who could you ruin this game like this durring that few years… Since DK and Astalor showed up… seems like you guys lost control completely…
Ironic since this post sounds more like an “I’m losing the game, and I don’t like it.” Especially since you mention:
Doesn’t Pally have a big board clear which also sets up lethal early as turn 2/3??
nice cherry picking for an argument.
How does anyone read posts written like this? I don’t have the patience
Holy, wall.
It would be self-harm to sit down and read this.
I don’t know what you are talking about. I am having great fun after recently returning. I am having great games with a lot of back and forth and the strategy and power of game knowledge can really be felt. Your post reads more like someone who can’t handle there being control decks.
thats because the devs are reject bums from california doped on up drugs with no talent whatsoever. just worthless filler for a dead end game product
Oh my… the idiots… they are everywhere… we are doomed
I’m touching at the hypocrisy of the argument
Thanks for reading, tho