Will they break again the Arena?

In last developer news they announced future changes for Arena.

I’m worried, even afraid.

Finally after some years they made a good change 1 legendary Card per Arena in the draft. This made Arena playable, and lots of players (as they shared in some stats on game modes) started playing Arena, on the other side, this made developers believe again in Arena and announced changes for future.

As I was saying I’m afraid that too many changes will break the Arena again.

So I think a good idea can be try to get one thread with the players suggestions and ideas (and in a perfect world if developers participate can be even great) to try to get a consense of what we want, what can be good and what players don’t want.

So to start, let’s go with my suggestions:


Now, you discover the Legendary card in turn 1 of the Draft, this is perfect, and it’s fair for everyone just 1 for run.
What it’s not perfect is sometime you get a Legendary with the hope to get cards with sinergy to that Legendary, 29 cards later you get 0 cards with sinergy, you wasted your time. Example: Helya
Other times, if you have a highlander card, magically you get a duplied card on the 3 options of the draft.
Finally, my favourite one you have a card that is activated at the start of the game if you don’t have XXX type of card, and then you get one offer with the 3 cards. I still remember one perfect draft of Dark Priest with Darkbishop Benedictus that in turn 28 of the draft they offered me, 3 holy spells. Bravo.

Suggestion to improve: Announce in turn 0 the 3 legendary cards of the draft, then you pick the 29 cards, and finally in last turn you pick the legendary. This will solve previous problems, and depending what you got during the draft if you got bad luck and you don’t got the cards you needed for your proyected Legendary, you have the chance to pick one of the other 2. This at least, will give you the chance to has one legendary that you can use.


Discover Mechanic is based on “Create cards” from nothing, some classes have more cards on that mechanic than others. Ex. Mage/Rogue/Shaman.

There is a core problem in Arena, Legendary Cards. They are very powerful, so if you have a class with lots of discovers, you have more chances to get Legendary cards, this will make a breach between opponents, because if the opponent start to use legendary cards one behind the other, you will fall.

Ban the discover of Legendary Cards. You can still discover cards, but not Legendary ones. This can have some exeptions, like if you have a legendary card that add you other legendary cards to your hand/deck (example Aviana). But it’s a nonsense if a 1 mana common card add you one legendary card.

I hope this thread will help everyone, and I’m excited to see everyone suggestions to improve Arena.



I am a big fan of this change, because I like that everyone is limited to drafting a single Legendary with no possibility of drafting up to 5 Legendary cards as could happen in the past.

Choosing a Legendary on pick 1 allows players to risk drafting strategies that require getting synergy to make the pick a good choice, with a decent chance of pulling it off.

So far, most of the changes the Arena devs have been making over the last six months have been pretty good. I expect them to continue to make improvements to Arena, and I hope they do not let me down.

Some players are advocating for the return of buckets over curated pools, which might be a good suggestion. If they continue with curated pools, then they do need remove some of the more broken cards in the format, like what they just did with Murloc Growfin.

I really enjoyed the last dual-class Arena season, and I am enjoying the current one. I am in no hurry to return to single class Arena, but players should voice their preferences to help give the devs feedback, especially if players like the dual-class format, since most posts are likely to come from players that have a strong dislike the current dual-class format.

One suggestion: I would like an easy way to copy and post Arena deck-lists for easy discussion. I think a way of sharing or replaying draft pick choices for others to watch would be great option as well.

Frankly arena in its current form is just broken lazy and chaotic design. There is absolutely no structure at all; if you get a synergy card you almost always have to drop it; you are forced to hope to highroll singuraly good cards with no synergy in most cases.

Do a marriage of arena and duels; have some partial predetermined synergy; the standards cards are designed that way anyway.