Wild mini-sets normal versions

Is it possible to purchase old mini-sets? Specifically Deadmines and Onyxia’s Lair.

I see it’s possible to purchase the gold versions of them from the Battle.net Shop but I just want normal version.

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Click on the golden version, then you should be able to choose the normal version before you purchase. Just make sure you select the right one, some players have accidentally purchased the gold one because the UI is not very intuitive


because they don’t bother to look at it with more than 1% brain power* you mean. It’s honestly not hard to see how to buy each version.

I do think it’s silly to have to click on the gold version to find the regular version. To me, it feels like Blizzard is purposefully trying to confuse people. You and I both know how it works, so it seems very simple, but this isn’t the first time I’ve answered this question on the forums, and it probably won’t be the last.


im sure most people who play this game know how to read and wont be confused

Sure, most people. But with the number of players that hearthstone has, that still leaves a large number of players who will be confused. I try to come at these questions from their perspective. Have you never in your life asked a silly question? Like, right after you get the answer, you realize that you should have been able to figure that out on your own? It happens to all of us. It’s fine. No need to make people feel bad for simple mistakes we all make.

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It’s a similar issue with old portraits. If you don’t click on them you don’t see that you can unlock them with gold; it looks like they cost real money only. I wonder how many other F2Ps missed out on a portrait they wanted because why would you bother to click on a portrait that says it costs money if you aren’t about to spend money on it? (This is the case in my shop right now. Bookworm Elise Bundle and Yrel Hero Set both say $9.99 in the shop but if I click on Yrel that’s when I see I can also use 1500 gold if I want, whereas Elise requires money or runestones.)


Just like to point out that I can read, I have purchased the standard mini-sets with no issues (they try to sell you the gold one). The problem is the wild sets, it’s not possible to purchase the normal versions of these mini-sets. Onyxia’s Lair, The Deadmines and Wailing Caverns are not available in the in-game shop. They are, however, available on the Battle.net shop but it’s gold version ONLY.

Unless of course it’s different depending on the region (I’m EU).

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I’m having the same issue and I have tried switching the battlenet shop to different regions but it made no difference. I don’t think it depends on the region unless it has to do with which region your account is REGISTERED to.

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It’s not to confuse people, it’s to get you to spend money first. It’s a marketing tactic (not watch the actiblizz defense force come in and “MUH CONSPIRACY” to something any first year marketing student and anyone who ever did a floor plan in retail knows) it’s done to prioritize the options that cost money first (or the more expensive option up front) so that people will be more likely to spend money. And like you said:

The same reason stores rearrange their configurations so often: the longer you wander around, the more likely you are to buy more than the one thing you came in for.

From someone whose most frequent posts are “huh,” what," and “I’m confused” to the most basic things people post here.

Of course, because there’s a very real issue going on, and certain people would rather attack the messenger than admit the company needs to fix something (again).

Looks like people not only DO know how to read, but there’s a real issue that once again pro company posters will try to minimize and attack people for pointing out exists. Not the first time, and won’t be the last time. The real question is whether or not the mods will EVER enforce the coc for pro company posters outright trolling and harassing people for it.