Wild Meta Rant - Blizzard, please help Wild

I’ve been playing wild the past few expansions now and have never had a problem with Secret Mage before. It was the most basic Aggro deck for newer Wild Players to play and get higher ranks. This however was the way you split the pros amongst the groups, Secret Mage’s goal was simple in going for face to win and trade when only necessary. I did hate the 2 mana AoE dude for a time, but playing other decks made me realize it wasn’t terrible if you weren’t playing Aggro.

Which comes to today’s meta, I have faced 4 Secret Mages as I’ve tried to climb to Legend, all in Diamond territory. Each game showed numerous times that the Secret Mages had no idea how to pilot the deck to the fullest (the biggest highlight was a player pinging one of my 3 Health minions into Cloud Prince-ing same said minion). I’ve dubbed certain decks Dumb Man’s decks because they don’t encourage the players who play them to improve or read the game, just play whatever until they win.

Two of these 4 players were toxic in addition to the games, both emoting excessively despite me having the visible advantage. I beat both of these said Mages and a third of the 4. The main issue is not that I lost with the fourth, it’s that each Secret Mage was able to play so poorly, somehow have the confidence to spam or taunt me with emotes rather than play the game normally, and despite the effort, somehow maintain some chance of a victory or lethal from a topdeck or lucky outcome that they justify for their “well played” emoting.

Out of all the problems with Wild atm, nothing has become more obvious to me than something needs to change with Mage. This has become more of a poison deck to the meta than Quest Mage before it was nerfed in my honest view.

If any of you disagree with me, you are entitled to your own opinion and so am I, but I do suggest that Blizzard take a good consideration of how prominent and difficult Secret Mage is against the rest of the metagame. (So prominent that about every deck runs Secret tech because of it)

Your fellow HS player, Pokeniner.

Edit: Before people spam saying “Just Squelch them”. I did on both toxic players, but I do not auto-squelch players because people do emote purposefully for good reasons. At the point someone spams an emote, or emote after playing every card, is the point I squelch.


blizzard? care about their playerbase? hah! in our dreams. they only care about money.
also secret mage players in wild are the same as shaman players in standard, make misplays but still win because the deck is so overtuned beyond belief

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I agree it’s pretty bad how wild rank is right now. It’s stagnant. Secret mage and Raza priest dominating isn’t fun at all. All other classes will have a difficult time ranking up.

Good news, the mini expansion has some cards that might change the wild meta - I saw some rogue cards that can turn mage cards…into bananas. So here’s hoping other classes can get a shot at being good in wild.

I find myself playing more wild casual just to have more variety in classes I face.


All classes have about a 50% win rate in wild except for mage with 54%. The main reason is because its filled with secret mage.

Brain dead deck but

It’s actually much worst than that. Secret Mage has had a 74%-76% WR since Scholomance. If that’s not toxic, I don’t know what is.

It makes me wish I wasn’t in diamond rank so I wouldn’t queue into so many trihards playing Secret Mage and Big Priest.

Meta seems very stale at the moment, and if nothing from the mini-set is going to counter secret mage (it’s not), then it’s going to continue to be an unhealthy meta.

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If your repeatedly hitting secret mages just tech 2 specific cards against them and they rage quit very fast.

ya I feel if we do get help it just going be a band-aid fix like Time Mage deck nerf

it been a wild since I play Ranked Wild (quite because of Ress Priest so a long time) but I remember only way hath fun was to play Tire 1 deck no other ways as in stander you can get to legendary with Tire 3 or 2 deck but wild was tire 1 or no fun allowed

And we thought wild was bad with secret mages are Raza priest. Now we have this otk Tiller thing going. Lol

The funny thing is about matchmaking, if you make an anti-secret mage deck like adding 2 kezan, 2 eater etc… you won’t see any of them, you will only see big priests.


the new cards did change the wild meta. but …

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Lol! Yup…now we have two decks dominating. It’s horrible now.