Wild just straight up blows

I had been playing standard for the past 10 days and I’m not sure why, but I keep getting what I can only assume are the bots people keep talking about as the only cards my opponents have are basic cards and all they do is go face. So with the most obvious warlock deck right now I have just steamrolled to gold 10 on Mar 5.

Got a quest yesterday that I don’t have a standard deck for and my dk isn’t at 60 yet so I decided to play plague against warlock who was going zerg and I just decided to quit because I wasn’t drawing anything to counter a bunch of 1 cost minions. As in despite having 9/40 5+ cards in my deck by turn 4 I’m sitting on 5 of them. Hence nothing to play.

Decided to play frost dk and get a priest opponent with all the standard “cheating” priest cards. The taunt minions who when they die they take a minion with them and the priest just re-rezzes them 800 times. So I quit that match too because yes that priest strat can be beat, but it’s a very specific deck. Normal decks have no chance against I can’t even get to you because you can just re-rezz over and over.

Got a mage with time warp quest next so I just quit as soon as that mage played that because inevitably they will get it off and then get 8 turns in a row in which even if I was winning at the start of that run of turns I’ll be dead before it’s even my turn again.

Decided to play my blood dk, which I can kill minions, and heal the crap out of myself. It’s my best dk deck. I do win a lot, but I got the mage opponent who goes straight up secrets out the wazoo and I have the 10 cost c’thun breaks into 5 cost spells in my deck and so naturally the mage counters one of those.

I mean so basically it’s impossible to just get an opponent you can stomp in wild anymore like it was in the early days of the game. And because the mages always go secrets, the priests always either go use your stuff against you or re-rez OP minions 800 times, druids seem to be liking make you draw 800 cards, etc. wild just straight up blows.

Wild sucks, change my mind.

Now that I’m seeing that standard can be fun for a bit and once I start to actually get real opponents who won’t have a bunch of bullcrap cards I’m wondering if I maybe won’t switch to standard.

Wild is just one big arms race. Blizzard goes hey so that card wasn’t OP enough so we’ll throw in another way for this class to be super annoying whenever you face them.

I’m guessing if not for standard this game would have died already.

Entire game blows – get rid of OTKs and it gets better 10000x

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wild definitely has its issues but most of the things you’re describing could be attributed to bad rng, which can happen in almost any card game/game where rng is a big mechanic, or giving up without trying to put up a fight

The reality its …mathematically simple. They can barely balance Standard as it is if they can even balance it at all. Trading card gaming is an exponentially harder problem to solve and balance as you add cards; that means it’s not linearly harder but “accelerated” harder the more cards you add to it; and Wild doesn’t just have more cards added but MULTIPLE MORE EXPANSIONS of cards added.

y, wild is just pointless to play, between frustrating reno cards and other fast mechanics, the game is decided in about 5 or 6 turns. You might as well have 25 blank cards and five “you win game” cards. Game used to be playable but so sick of 4-5 min. games, the way it’s going, I guess we can expect first turn kills soon.

Legend/ High Legend every month i play.
I don’t use even a single deck you mentioned there. Standard is for humans, Wild is for Sayans :coffee::relieved:

Wild is simply not possible to balance due to the amount of cards in that format. Wild is also not profitable compared to standard. Most people who play wild are not really interested in spending a lot of money to be competitive.