Wild C''THUN Bug abuser!

So I was playing a game in wild. I accoutered a hunter player who is playing weird C’‘THUN deck. From turn 1-turn 5, the hunter played cards inculde: Flare , hunter’s Mark, secret Plan Sphere of Sapience, Tracking, Beckoner of Evil, call pet and Master call.
On my turn 5, I played Lightning Blood plus Celestial Alignment. On the next turn, hunter played “Maxima Blastenheimer” summon "C’'Thun" hit my face over 200 damage. ??? WHAT?
It’d would be easier to see the screenshot, but the form does not allow me to upload the screenshot or share the link.


report for bug abusing you can send to email hacks@blizzard.com. link on screenshot you can post with </> button. just copy link, highlight it and push this button.


Same here!

I have also the replay of it.



i had the same problem.

This is the game that i had Vs DanFortesque#2183:


He made a c’thun 128/128 and won the game…

I think it’s an abuser of the bug.


Had the same bug happening to me. Completely ruins the game to be shot with a 128/128 in turn 6…
My replay:

Edit: The Bug-Abuser was Kriskilll#2819


Had the same bug, player Andre98fx (he also BMed me) - my replay:


Just played against a player named Cure on the NA server, who was executing the bug. Played against another yesterday, but did not take down name because it was the first time encountering it.


just another abusser

hoping that this bug was fixed quickly and abusers properly actioned

i have a replay of this but forum dont let me post it


same happened to me , cmon blizzard fix your game


Same here too !
It becomes unplayable !
Damned, what are you doing ? It is amazing ?!


Same thing just happened to me. Will Blizz give me back my lost star? I’m past D5 and every star counts!

Why the hell would this bug even exist?


i would like to add another abuser


it’s really no fun to get oneshot by someone activley abusing something like this

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I would like to add another abuser: Kobrachka
Will Blizzard do anything with this bug?

I experienced the exact same bug. The Hunter I played against only enhanced the C’Thun (older one) ONCE! However, when Maxima Blastenheimer summoned it, C’thun’s status kept increasing to more can 100 and can never be seen clearly. Then it just hit me and kill me.

same bug with other abuser DerGilb

please do not name and shame, this is not the place to call people out

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Another abuser on EU, BuQk. Played a few minutes before this post.

hsreplay link: replay/K3raQEtQQuy9o6Us7cHMvm

Same with Sakaninha on EU. For information, the guy perfectly knows he was abusing of bug and did not care about.
About 20 plays with bug abuse since sunday…
Nice reactivity from blizzard on the subject, bug signaled on forum the 4th, we are the 8th…
I’m sure if there was an issue on payments (money, money, money,…) reactivity would be better…

Yep, happened to me, too.

Had the same bug happening to me. Completely ruins the game to be shot with a 128/128 in turn 6…

Edit: The Bug-Abuser was kroshkaboo EU server