Wild C''THUN Bug abuser!

Another one… pff… Julia#23875

I disagree, name and shame away. You use a bug in a game to constantly win, you are gamer scum. Same as someone with aimbot or wall hacks in a FPS. Shame shame shame away!

Also, I played another little zombie who did this. Carlosmart. Was on mobile unfortunately.

No point name and shame. Too many people are doing it that Blizz can no longer track and verify. Otherwise, they will lose a lot of customers.

They also dont seem to care.

Wasn’t there maintenance today? Why is this bug still a thing. They have banned a problematic card before, so I thought they would at least ban a card that is part of the combo until they fix the bug.

People have been abusing this bug for days now.

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  1. blizzard doesn’t always ban, cause too many bug abusers. i know cause i added in friend list one of them, reported and seen still playing after the report.
  2. when the ban comes, it lasts UP TO 72 hours.
  3. the bug abuser doesnt get the reset of rank

so, it always worth use the bug throught diamond 5.

fun fact: in this sh1tty meta, there are decks win before turn 6 (questchain piratewarrior, questchain shaman, aggro hunter and questchain hunter with the coin) so it’s not really “absurd” bug.

anyone who shames should be banned from the forums

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Too bad i dont have the card, else might try it myself!

i could craft it but 1600 dusts for a temporary bug (and after the fix it will back never played card) is not worth.
i don’t care to hit legend even if play since 2014 and never get it.

btw that deck has not realli very high winrate cause it needs cthun in the deck till turn 6.
turn 6= 10 drawed cards on total of 30= 66% chance to win. if you add the opponent fastdeck, the winrate downs to 60% or less.

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You cant play 6 mana cards in today’s meta

If they have the weapon that lets you choose cards, win rate goes up.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda. I think you should be banned. Bing bang boom.