Wild 128 C'thun turn 5 repercussions

Players who choose to exploit the bug causing wild hunter C’thuns to get an extra +120 attack and health while being summoned turn five to hit the opposing player’s face should have all the Wild rated ranks and rewards’ bar experience and rewards they have gained since the bug went live revoked. Players who choose to cheat by exploiting this bug should not be permitted to retain their ill-gotten gains.


While seedlock exists?


It doesn’t even delete your opponent more reliably than a deck that’s still allowed to exist.

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There are legal decks that are waaay more unfair than bug chtun hunter


But those more unfair decks dont break the EULA.

Gotta side with the OP here. Using Blizzards rules, people exploiting it should be penalised.


Break the EULA? They’re literally just playing cards within the game. Did Shudderwock players get punished for building those decks that broke the game?

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Read the EULA.


Why? No one does. They all say the same thing: the corporation can do whatever it wants.


Cheating: Create, use, offer, promote, advertise, make available and/or distribute the following or assist therein:

1. cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise), influencing and/or facilitating gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;

yes, its cheating, Blizzards words. Those exploiting the bug should be penalised for it.

they wont be, but they SHOULD be, as it is a clear violation of the EULA they agree to in order to play the game.


It is clearly an abusing of bug in the game. But since Blizz decided not to punish breaking their own rules…guess there is pretty much nothing we can do about, but wait for the patch.

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It’s just so funny to think people are so pissed at “cheaters” despite the bug not even remotely approaching the power level of the meta deck.

Imagine how busted seedlock is that instagibbing your opponent on turn 5 isn’t nearly as good?


Cheating is cheating, period.


Then it means you don’t fully understand the problem and the EULA rules that is also goes beyond rules itself. Meaning legal issues. Not everyone understand this.


It is not about fair or not. It is abusing a bug. In almost every game this is a banable offence, but not here. Here it is cherished and you can make a YT video about it. So sad

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Lock can’t kill u turn 5 in wild are u drunk?

Same as playing with quests or priest, so im okw ith it.

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You people should really learn the difference between playing with broken OP decks and using game bugs

You guys heard of MarkMcKz on youtube?

He makes videos almost daily where he “exploits” gamebreaking bugs within hearthstone and shows of insane obscure combos you can do.

Here’s a link to his channel if you wanna check it out. Even tho he can be cringey, the stuff he shows off are pretty wild.


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imagine blizzard still didnt fix that bug lmao, im so glad i took a break from wild

try a different game, Magic Arena or LOR you probably will have a better experience

I’m so glad that blizzard basically has paid employees who in their infinite wisdom, treat balance concerns with almost the barest indifference as apparently professional game devs handling balance concerns with memes.

Honestly this is how it feels like blizzard treats wild. Unless it prints them money to have people’s cards constantly expire, they hate it and see actual interactive gameplay it had the month before as a meme.

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