Wild 128 C'thun turn 5 repercussions

Reddit is also having a field day trying to figure out if Iskar#1488 is playing the deck as well in diamond 6. https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/pjkj2v/iksar_is_abusing_cthun_bug_his_battletag_was_1488/

People aren’t sure if it’s a imposter or not but they found some old 2013 tourney records with a Iskar#1488 on it. So if the dude is playing it, great then, if he thinks seedlock and this diasaster killing all the previous decks is great, and warlock is ‘in line’ and needs a 1 mana nerf, i’ll probably question what on earth we’re doing and sit around waiting for a 9 stats 11 mana flesh giant the next nerf though.

(Edit turns out to be iskar, he tweeted out his battle tag years ago.


Fantastic…I mean who is really surprised here? Even devs abusing bugs in their own game.

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battleground mutanus 12 round his beast hydra has 5500 attack and heal 2556 gg blizz game broken

idk. Imo, demon seed is still more consistent-- and has a higher win rate, if I am not mistaken. Given the current meta, I honestly think C’thun is fine… No joke.

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how often can one draw the 2 minions while not drawing cthun
u draw cthun early and lose
still a pretty embarrassing bug

Ironically, Iksar, one of the HS devs, was caught playing this deck.

i wonder if you’re purposely lying or just ignorant.

They’re not wrong, hsreplay lists warlock with 70-75% wr gold Winrate lists even with the meta warped around it and pirate warriors and quest hunters around for it.

The c’thun deck mentioned only has lists that go up to 55% winrate in BRONZE yesterday, and it’s only about today that someone made a list with a like 65% gold winrate.

Congratulations, you think a deck with a 10% lower winrate than yours is overpowered. Maybe your deck really isn’t that strong if you’re claiming brann + mutanus is a serious counter to a deck that when built right, dropped a 3 mana otk imp for being ‘to slow’. :roll_eyes: . Oh well, i guess you’re gonna go complain a 55% winrate deck is broken.

Sure it instantly wins the game on the spot, but it doesn’t start in their hand and they have to draw 2 cards. By all metrics, a much fairer lower winrate deck than warlock is. :stuck_out_tongue: , even if it’s a 128 attack bug.

It’s funny how just like nagalock, people who play broken decks complain everything is balanced until it gets used on them. I remember people on starcraft unironically saying “TERRAN IS OP, NERF TERRAN!” followed by “Hey, i am a terran player, and i easily beat zerg and protoss, but the mirror is just too overpowered! How am i supposed to counter siege tanks [with the same unit]!?!? Whenever i play vs protoss and zerg [In a patch where terran is op], they get obliterated to shreds! But whenever i a move my tanks into my higher skill opponent, they scan and destroy my tanks! OMG, my op class doesn’t win! Nerf scans, buff tanks! The mirror is unbalanced!”

Unironically it was a serious thread of someone asking for them to… buff terran… by … nerfing terran… Because they couldn’t win a mirror match when all things were equal and used against them and their broken deck couldn’t get carried anymore. XD. Don’t think the nagalockers were too hot after that nerf lmao.

This game is plagued with hacks and exploits. These are not bugs. The code has no f… protection like most of the games out there. Players are pissed off with the new retarded OP expansion soo they use hacks and cheats.

So far I saw this hack many times and many others. They use hidden scripted cards to to do almost anything. I saw a priest playing a demon with charge and windfury that attacks again when the hero attack. That was there before now players think Blizzard do nothing about it . Give me the name of a player banned for that?
[128 C’thun cheater rage quit after a failed attempt] replay : Sv8Q6py6Q8mSo8tDkSpUAm

Another anoying one is Warlock playing Archwitch Willow with no apparent card in his hand and deck then 3 to 5 Demons with high damage pops up from nowhere. In fact his hand is full of hidden cards you don’t see but detectable in the replay

I have many replays with cheaters using different methods. Why not starting a youtube channel to report all the cheaters. After millions of views and complains maybe BLizzard gonna do something. :confused:

They use that weapon to return the drawn Cthun back to the deck. Cant remember the name of the weapon.

I think if in any game, a bug caused a winning team to lose, or the losing team to win, people will be upset and there will be an immediate response by the developer. Only Blizz is big and popular enough to ignore this.

Well, from a winrate/competitive perspective it’s not an advantage at all. And you can’t even say it’s a bug, since it may be a feature…

Its definitely a bug. Iksar needs to ban himself from the game!:

“other backed up work” = Iksar exploiting the deck, and having fun with it.

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Oh yeah don’t you know? Iskar is really busy right now. He’s losing to himself with screenshots of climbing diamond six with the c’thun deck to become a even hunter after he finishes.

Yup real hard working.

What you on about D6?!? Try top 200:

Yup he climbed from wild diamond 6 with the c’thun deck on reddit to wild 150 around there with the even hunter.

A list i think already floated around somewhere. Apparently the iskar copy cat is like top 15 with a rogue but i think they found matching portraits. Either way, iskar’s playing glitch decks and decks other players have already shared and made legend with this month i guess. Wouldn’t surprise me if the dude could look into hs win rates if he wanted between balance checks. Considering they use it to balance the game anyways.

Yeah, I missed the bolded part in your previous post.

Also consider this, his most played class is Paladin - the most consistent deck since VS started, and his favourite deck was Secret Mage, as of earlier this year - until this xpac, the most consistently good deck in the format for a LONG time.

How am I expected to believe that he doesnt let his own taste dictate the direction of the game?!?

I am sure hes not the only influence cough 3 hrs a week for minors in China cough, but it really is quite the anomaly that decks/classes he enjoy get away with figurative murder.