Why you still not nerf Shudderwock?

Why you let it cycles over and over the whole game triggering all the battlecries non stop with the doucle bcries of the Shaman quest?

And you cant even kill it with a spell when it triggers Loatheb all the time?

Just nerf this card already


I wouldn’t put much hope into Wild. That format is multiple times more complex to balance than Standard, and Standard is a struggle to balance itself.

It’s a 9 mana card that ends the game if everything was set up properly before it was played.

That last bit is the important part. The Shaman didn’t just play a Shudderwock to make those things happen. The only difference from other combo decks that win when playing their payoff card is the amount of time it takes to do so after the setup.

And if a Shaman does manage to set things up so that Shudderwock will lock you out and slowly kill you, just take the loss and concede (unless you’re hoping they will get bored before you die). You’ll get to a new game that you have a chance of winning much faster that way. There’s no shame in understanding that you have no chance of winning and going on to the next match.

When they came out with the Jabberwocky card and the mooneater paladin, is w hen I quit spending money on the game.

If they got rid of eye win cards, maybe I would.