Why warrior need buff for hero power


Today we’re looking at why the WARRIOR is considered a weak class in the current meme of the Heartstone game, and why it should receive a buff to its hero power.

Warriors used to be highly valued in the Heartstone game, but their power has deteriorated over time. Today, the leading class in the game are druids and hunters. The warrior, unfortunately, is not able to match them in terms of power, which is especially noticeable in tournaments and ranked games.

To improve the situation of the warrior, players propose adding a buff to his hero power. Increasing attack power or regenerative abilities would be a good way to level the playing field with other classes and increase the warrior’s influence on the outcome of the game.

It is also common to hear requests to add new cards that would allow warrior players to have a more diverse play style. Given that the warrior is considered one of the most challenging classes in the game, adding new elements to the game could attract not only new players, but also more experienced players who are looking for a challenge.

The conclusion is simple: the warrior needs a buff to his hero power and the addition of new cards to return to the top of wrangling in the Heartstone game.

We remain available to answer any questions you may have and encourage discussion on this topic.

The hero power isn’t the weak link. Its literally all the other cards and how weak they are compared to m literally, every other class.

Tbh, everything about warrior is weak. The hero power is weak, armor gain is so much worse than the healing options that are in the game, the class itself has almost no interaction with stacking armor whereas priest and DK both have interactions with healing or changing your health value (and the armor cards in wild are trash that nobody has ever played, not even on release).

Mana costs are way too high, it has zero early game outside of forcing in neutral minions that, at best at either having all tags or discounting your next mech by 1 (wow so good), every removal spell has some condition either being armor or a minion being damaged but you (1) can’t maintain armor because as said before warrior’s early game is terrible (2) you can’t run whirlwind because execute is LITERALLY the only card that interacts with damaged enemy minions right now and there’s not even space to run it.

Then you have Blackrock ‘n’ Roll costing way too much (so now you have both terrible early game and no turn 5), it doesn’t buff any minions in your hand which it should, it doesn’t affect board state when you could easily slap recruit on it but “no we can’t do that it’s not this expansion’s flavor!!1!11!1!” Blackrock would actually not be an autoloss if it recruited. Hell, bands recruit members. That literally makes sense.

The class admittedly does have good minions for the most part but you never get to play them and there’s a reason why it’s sitting at a 36% winrate on HSreplay

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Nope I’m winning 60% on my games with warrior , L2 play

It’s funny how druids gain more armor and attack from their power than warriors now with some of the Festival cards lol.


yea, you are clearly an exception. troll harder.