Why take down duels

I dont get why they are taking duels down makes no sense to get rid of the most enjoyable game mode i get they may be doing it to get more people to play ranked but why not get rid of a worse mode like arena that is such a terrible game mode and would have the same outcome :thinking: i dont play ranked because it has a tendency to be boring with people why dont even play their turns and its not as fast paced as duels

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Sure, it needs maintenance, so what? It’s all about improving the game. They’re literally stabbing the community in the back and saying “we don’t care” as if it wasn’t literally THEIR JOB to take care of the game. Instead of taking the lazy way out, they should work like any normal company would. I don’t know how there’s people arround who don’t see this as a massive middle finger to the playerbase.

If you want them to spend dev hours on the mode, you need to make it worth their while.

That means you need to put actual money into it, developing the game might be their jobs, but they don’t work for free. And Standard legal packs are not putting money into the mode, that’s money towards Ranked and Casual. So that means Heroic runs and more Heroic runs than you can get for free by just playing the game.

The mode getting scrapped means that Heroic runs just weren’t popular enough to keep the mode alive.

They haven’t figured out a way to remove Battlegrounds yet. Seriously, if Battlegrounds wasn’t on the Hearthstone engine, Battlegrounds would be considered a bad mobile game.

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Mode doesn’t give them money and hurts extra memory space really hurts their income from mobile players.
Fun fact is that for last year power creep cards AMOUNT made all the non-passive treasures pretty weak compared to them. And people who don’t just build OP interaction deck (like frog hunter or tree Elise) had to buy new packs and craft new cards to play.
My 10 year collection is dead for now =)

they have to pay people to do it for a mode that probably isnt making money for them
you do know people dont work for free right ?

im guessing not enough people were playing heroic for them to even try to sell a battle pass or cosmetics for duels

“We dont like to do work, and duels has lots of yucky balancing and stuff so yeah its gone”

I’m really disappointed the mode is going - most enjoyable thing in Hearthstone for me. Ranked and Battlegrounds feel incredibly dull by comparison. I’ve been playing HS for over 10 years, but think I may stop now as other modes boring.

If the fact is it isn’t making money but players are giving feedback that they enjoy it, isn’t it their job to then figure out a way of adapting it so it does make them money? I’d gladly pay to be able to keep playing it but don’t have any option to. Heroic doesn’t work as a money maker, but there could be other ways of making the mode profitable. To have invested so much in it already and then not to try other creative options when there is a loyal user base is such a waste. And incidentally, almost all the cards I’ve spent resources on crafting in the last two years have been for duels, not ranked.

well in the real world people dont work for free

and why are you saying the dev who was fired was fired because he didnt want to work? ( with all the threads about duels you must know by now the dev working on duels was fired a long time before they announced theyll be removing duels right ?)

This has been my big issues with blizzard these days pre catalysim the company would work more with the player base but after cata its like it all became about the money and less about the players i can tell you right now with how popular duels was if you had just communicated with the players about the cost and ask if there could be more upgraded runs being played there would have been a more positive outcome and taking it down would cause less income i only payed to have better duels runs now that the game mode is dpwn not only do i feel less likely to spend money but the entire game feels boring and i wanna play less and less :confused: and another thing this whole having no customer service number is another thing that proves my meaning i used to spend hours on hold to have help taking care of my issues and the staff was very helpful and now theres all of a sudden no number what so ever

I hope they can focus on making new Solo Adventures! It’s been so long since we have gotten one!!!

It must be an order from Microsoft to reduce costs and better manage the game, making the technical team focus on Hearthstone’s most profitable mode = ranked and BG. … But they don’t even do that!!