Do you’ll need a win in life? TF!
That gives vibes of projection, since you’re not that friendly yourself on that opening (and only) statement.
Pretty much every game that promotes aggressive copying of streamers due to power creep & poor game design has this problem. Almost every MOBA, most online competitive FPS games, most online competitive survival games, etc, have this. Designers eventually give up on balance in any meaningful way and just focus on pushing new content for people to shell out them bones for.
well you cannot stop humans from being humans, so that’s that…What ever they deem fit to tickle their ego they will do it so yea…The explanation is that you might toxic in another situation probably in that situation there is no forum to cry about
Toxicity in video games has a direct correlation with the same level of toxicity that you often see in social media.
Anyone who has spent time online soon discovers that it can be a virtual cesspool filled with comments from people that have no fear of consequence for anything reprehensible or offensive that they may post.
Simply put, it’s a group of people that have nothing more than keyboard courage.
As the great warrior Mike Tyson once said…
“Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it,”
Because people act a certain way when there’s no risk of getting punched in the mouth